The page you land on when first accessing CHIP
What is CHIP Overview?
This is the first lifecycle phase for Total Loss
What is Evaluate It?
This column will tell you which claims you have recently accessed.
What is Last Reviewed Date?
These show up as a green bar on your calendar
What are State Farm recognized holidays?
Facts of Loss, claim status, lifecycle phase and claim number are displayed here.
What is the Claim widget on the Claim 360?
These are tasks that are not part of your Inventory
What are performer tasks?
Completing one of these two activities will move a claim from Settlement to Own It
What is enable the Send Title Transmittal Status checkbox or make an Indemnity Payment with a TL reason code?
This column is the default ordering of your inventory page
What is Date of Loss?
These are the 2 task types displayed on the Calendar page
What are Default Calendars and File Notes?
These are the page views available in CHIP.
What are Search, Inventory, Calendar, Overview, Lifecycle, and Claim 360?
Clicking on this on the Overview page will take you to the Inventory Screen
What is CHIP Task Category?
In these lifecycle phases, we are looking at whether or not All Title Requirements Met has been checked.
What are the Salvage and Own It lifecycle phases?
This column tells you what causes of loss are open and assigned to the logged-on user
What is COL?
This is how far into the future the CHIP Calendar allows you to view.
What is two years?
Open request reviews are displayed here.
What is the Claim 360?
Tasks that display on the Overview page fall into this date range
Expired and Due Current Day?
These are the five lifecycle phases for Total Loss.
What are Evaluate It, Salvage, Settlement, Own It and Resolve It?
These are 2 of the 3 ways you can filter your inventory.
What are COL, Excess Exposure, and/or CHIP Tasks?
It's great to use this feature on the CHIP Calendar when you have some time off.
What is OOO?
File Notes can be filtered by Priority on this page.
What is the CHIP Calendar?
These are the CHIP task categories that expand to display task subcategory.
What are Claim Activity, New Claim, and New Mail?
These are the two checkpoints we are looking at once a claim has reached the Own It lifecycle phase.
What are All TL have Title Documents Sent to State and/or All Title Requirements Met?
This is why there is a Y showing in the Excess Exposure column.
What is the result of enabling an Excess Exposure alert in ECS?
These are the two different views for the CHIP Calendar.
What are Weekly or Monthly?
Your favorite (work-related) URL's can be found here in CHIP.
What is Other Tools?