Tourism in General
Types of Accommodations
Name The Amenity
Types and Reasons for Tourism

A place where travelers can sleep and find other services.

What is the definition of 'accommodation'?


The term for the service provided by a hotel allowing guests to request a phone call at a certain time, usually to get them up for the day.

What is a wake up call?


A budget accommodation which provides inexpensive lodging for groups of people like students or young travelers, often shared with rented beds.

What is a hostel?


What is WiFi?


When people travel with sports as the main motivator, such as to attend a sports game or competition of any kind.

What is sports tourism?

The temporary, short movement of people for purposes including leisure, business, and cultural experiences, among others.

What is tourism?


This is the term for the area where guests can leave their bags and suitcases after or before check in or check out.

What is luggage storage?


A type of outdoor accommodation often found in natural parks or preserves where people rent a space and bring their own tents and supplies to spend the night.

What is a campsite?


What is spa?


When people travel to a completely different country.

What is international tourism?


The action of movement of people from one place to another, and the various means by which the movement is accomplished.

What is transportation?


The term for a shop in a hotel that sells small things meant to be a reminder of the place someone visits in addition to things for one's trip.

What is a souvenir store or shop?


A type of luxury accommodation that is a popular destination for vacation and recreation, with relaxation as the main purpose. Will find these in many island destinations, can be all inclusive!

What is a resort?


What is currency or money exchange?


When people travel primarily to experience cultural activities and practices.

What is cultural tourism?


Activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.

What is recreation or leisure time?


The term for when a hotel employee escorts guests to rooms and assists them with luggage.

What is bellhop or luggage transport service?


A type of very low budget accommodation, most often found in the USA, as a roadside place designed for people on road trips with free parking directly outside the room. Very basic amenities offered.

What is a motel?


What is airport transfer or shuttle?


When people travel for the primary purpose of medical treatment in another country or place.

What is medical tourism?


The name of the area or group of people in a hotel where guests and visitors are greeted and dealt with.

What is reception?


The term for the service and group of people who service and clean guests' hotel rooms.

What is housekeeping?

This is a newer type of accommodation suitable for large groups of travelers, and can include a living room, kitchen, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. Often these are rented out of someone's owned home or space.

What is a tourist apartment or AirBNB?


What is conference room?


When people travel for the primary purpose of undertaking a spiritual journey for religious reasons.

What is a pilgrimage, or spiritual tourism?