runaway slave
leave the power in the hands of the people by voting
Popular sovereignty
Main topic of Lincoln debates
Numbers of candidates in 1860 election
US fort on an island
fort sumter
Leaving or withdrawing
American party or also called the?
Know nothing party
Violent Abolitionist
John Brown
Winner of 1860 election
Abraham Lincoln
One million, two million, three million, four......
In just five years forty million more
An armed pro-slavery supporter who crossed the border from Missouri to vote in Kansas
Chief Justice in Dred scott case
Roger Taney
place to store weapons and military equipment
First state to leave the Union
South Carolina
Picture me?
Conflict between citizens of the same country
civil war
enslaved man who sued for his freedom
Dred Scott
a person who dies for cause
the idea that states should have all powers that the constitution does not give to the federal government of forbid to the states
states rights
What states joined the confederacy after Lincolns call to arms
Virginia, North carolina, Tennessee, arkansas
Part of the compromise of 1850 that stated anyone who helped a fugitive could be fined or imprisoned.
fugitive slave act
Lincoln and blank debates?
Stephen Douglas
Winner of the 1856 elections
Amount of states in the confederacy originally
The line of blank and blank
36 30N