volunteering to help others, doing the right thing by others
pro-social behaviour
when you grow to like someone because you are around them a lot
define mean, median, mode and range
mean = average, median = the middle score, mode = most occurring score, range = difference between highest score & lowest score
Which has a positive affect on group productivity competition between groups or competition within a group?
Between groups
Cameron runs a study and makes sure that before they sign up, the participants know why the study is being carried out and what is involved. Cameron has satisfied which ethical consideration?
Informed consent
Ways you develop attitudes (100 points for ever correct answer)
Direct observation, experiences, friends, teachers, parents, family, media, religion, culture
What are the main differences between a psychologist and psychiatrist?
A medically trained doctor
Can prescribe medicine
method of study over a long period of time
the process in which a third party helps two parties that are in conflict to reach a voluntary agreement
I want to find out if Jeopardy helps you learn. We play Jeopardy and take a test. We split the class in half. Group A plays Jeopardy and Group B does not, then both groups sit the same test.
Which group is the experimental group A or B
A, because they are the ones that are exposed to the independent variable ie they play Jeopardy.
one circumstance where less social loafing occurs is
the task is interesting, members are motivated, individuals are monitored, individuals identify with the group.
Monica is conducting a study and threatens the participants into being a part of the study. She has failed the ethical consideration of
Voluntary participation
Name the three components of the tripartite model
Thoughts, emotions, behaviours
I gather data about 1 individual over a long period of time. What sort of study am I conducting?
Longitudinal study
the group of participants in an experiment that is not exposed to the independent variable
control group
approval given by the participant after finding out why the study is being carried out and what is involved
informed consent
an operational hypothesis is
a prediction to a proposed research question
What does it mean when: members know each others strengths, tasks and roles are assigned, crucial tasks are not left undone, and there is no competition for resources.
It means a group is organised.
This must be done (given) by the individual who is legally responsible for the participant if they are too young or otherwise unable to do this themselves.
Give informed consent
When priority is given to the group it is known as ________ culture
I want to find out if Jeopardy helps you learn. We play Jeopardy and take a test. We split the class in half. Group A plays Jeopardy and Group B does not, then both groups sit the same test.
Is the data qualitative or quantitative?
the variable that is measured after responding to changes in another variable
Dependent variable
learning through the observation of other's behaviour
social learning
I want to find out if Jeopardy helps you learn. We play Jeopardy and take a test. We split the class in half. Group A plays Jeopardy and Group B does not, then both groups sit the same test.
Identify the dependent variable, the independent variable, and a controlled variable.
Indenpendent variable: Jeopardy
Dependent variable: test results
Controlled variable: Number of students in each group
The theory of relative deprivation is
the feeling of discontent after comparing yourself to others
Name three ethical considerations in psychological studies
We surveyed our class as the sample for our investigation, which was easy and readily available. This is known as a ______ sample?
We get Tyrell to tally up all the time a student swears in the class for one period. What sort of study is he conducting?
Cross sectional
the group that is exposed to the independent variable
experimental group
Which determinant of liking is when you like someone because they are interested in the same things.
I want to find out if Jeopardy helps you learn. We play Jeopardy and take a test. We split the class in half. Group A plays Jeopardy and Group B does not, then both groups sit the same test.
Identify an uncontrolled variable
Students: Group A might be all the 'A' students. One group might have not had enough sleep. Can't control individuals approach to the task.
Putting less effort in due to reduced accountability and increased anonymity in large groups is known as
social loafing
The conduct of scientific research in Australia is governed by the
Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007)
To what type of reporting method do the following apply?
Adv: Can lead to extra info from free group discussion
Dis: Social desriability bias ie. participants feel intimidated by the group, give watered down answers
Focus groups - qualitative data collection
I collect a continuous set of data, group them into a frequency table. What sort of graph should I use?