Material Handlers

True or False?
It is OK to force a part to fit on a gage so it passes inspection.

Please never force a part to fit a gage.


True or False?

A robot has to be locked out for a tip change.

Robots have to be locked out when doing a tip change.


True or False?
Should you finish a partial container before starting a new container at your station?

You should always finish a partial container at your station first, before starting a new one.


True or False?

Can we wear leggings to work?

For men and women, whether a man is wearing leggings under his shorts, or women wearing leggings, it is not allowed for safety purposes in this warehouse. 


What's the first thing you need to do before getting on a forklift for the day?

A. Get on it and put your seat belt on.
B. Do a visual check of the forklift, then get on it.
C. Check all the safety components and functions, then fill out a forklift check-sheet.
D. It doesn't matter, get to work!

C. Check all the safety components and functions, if everything passes fill out your forklift check-sheet.

All forklift operators should be filing out a check-sheet, to verify that all forklift functions are safe or to find any defects present. If a defect is found, it is to be reported immediately to your supervisor or maintenance.


What does the word "containment" mean?

A. Getting containers brought to your station
B. Packing your parts correctly
C. Keeping parts that are suspect of having defects from getting to our customers
D. Your welder stopped working

C. Keeping parts that are suspect of having defects from getting to our customers


True or False?
Light curtains can be used as protection if you are making a tip change.

You must lock out the robot no matter what.


What should we be doing when we have machine down-time? Whether you're waiting for a forklift driver or waiting on maintenance.. etc...

A. Help other operators
B. Clean up around your station
C. Talk to other operators
D. Go to HR and ask about your points
E. Both A & B

E. Both A & B

You should be keeping busy if you have downtime, whether it's helping other operators, cleaning up, or checking your parts. 


As you are working, you notice the person next to you is not wearing their protective sleeves. You hear a metal part drop and crash to the floor, the same person is now holding their arm in pain. What should you do?

A. Scream
B. Help the person stop the bleeding
C. Tell your team leader/supervisor
D. Nothing at all

C. Tell the team leader or supervisor immediately, whoever you see first. 


True or False

It is ok to use someone else's log-in to the CELLA scanners if you are having troubles logging in.


You should not share your password or log-in information with other material handlers.


When are we required to do a new first piece?

A. Every 30 days
B. After a robot crash
C. A conveyor change over
D. All the above

D. All the above


How does a hydraulic tool work?

A. An electrical circuit is used
B. A pully system is used to move the object
C. Fluid is pumped though the hydraulic system
D. Air is pumped through the hydraulic system

C. Fluid is pumped through the hydraulic system


Who does the red-rabbit verification at the beginning of shift?

A. Everyone
B. Maintenance
C. Supervisors
D. Team-leads

A. Everyone!
Once you are taught to do a red rabbit at a station you should continually be training others to do it as well.

What is the procedure if there is a fire? What should you do?

Look for the nearest fire exit free of smoke and exit the building. Should meet up in the front parking lot for head count after exiting.


You are picking up material from a station and the operator isn't paying any attention to you. You can't pick up the finished goods until the operator moves out of the way, despite you honking your horn, they are still not paying attention. What do you do?

A. Pick it up anyways
B. Get off the lift and throw something at them
C. Tell the team leader
D. leave and help another station
E. C & D.

E. Tell the team leader or leave and help another station.

If you don't see the team leader, then help another station till the operator pays attention. 


What powers a pneumatic tool?

A. Water
B. Oil
C. Electrical
D. Air

D. Air


If your machine goes down and you check the HMI screen and it says "Fault, Tip Change" what should you put the Plex status?

A. Red, Equipment
B. Planned Down-time Tip Change
C. 90 OFF
D. Blue Material

B. Planned Down-time Tip Change


True or False?

Near misses are considered forklift incidents.

If a driver almost hits someone or almost causes property damage it is considered an incident against their permit.


True or False- Is it ok to use another persons access on the forklift if you forgot your badge?

False- Never use another persons access to badge in for you on the forklift.


How many millimeters are in one inch?

A. 30
B. 60
C. 25.4
D. 1

C. 25.4