Toxic vs. Healthy
Being Your Own Individual

What are some examples of toxic habits in a relationship?

Constant Distrust, Invalidation of your partners opinions/emotions, Passive-aggressiveness, Control, Holding the Relationship Hostage, Deflecting Issues 


What are some Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship or Friendship

Compromise, Honesty, Individuality, Good communication, Problem solving, Mutual respect, Understanding.


If your partner becomes jealous when he/she sees you around other people, should you be concerned?

Yes. This isn't a huge deal, but you should talk to him/her about it, because it may lead to abuse in the future.


What percentage of couples have stated that the cause of their divorce was due to lack of communication?

Over 65%.


True or False: If your partner yells at you, or gets very frustrated with you, it is a sign that always says "time to find someone else".

False, just because he/she argues with you a little bit, doesn't mean you need to leave him/her.


What are some examples of healthy habits in a friendship?

Expressing Appreciation, Listening, Being respectful even while arguing, Asking for help, Being Understanding, Being willing to help, Forgiveness


What are some Characteristics of a Toxic Relationship or Friendship

Control, Disrespect, Hostility, Dependence, Intimidation, Dishonesty.


Is it ok to have separate interest and hobbies while in a relationship?

Yes. The ability to passionately pursue independent interests reflects a strong sense of an individual self on the part of both partners in the relationship. And a strong sense of self is conducive to a healthy level of intimacy.


Is "talking about it later" helpful or hurtful to a situation?

Depends. If you are in the middle of a play or a place where you can't talk in length maybe talking at a later time is helpful. But you need to allow yourselves time to finish the conversation in its entirety so the issue doesn't keep building.


In a relationship is it important to resolve each and every conflict?

Nope. Successful partners accept and understand that some conflict is inevitable, that there will always be certain things they don’t like about their partner, or things they don’t agree with–all that’s fine.


What is the most important thing in a relationship?

Emotional stability and emotional self-sufficiency


Name 2 red flags in a relationship

Any of these; your partner; 1.makes decisions with little or no input from you, 2.forbids you from seeing, saying, or doing certain things, 3.argues with you over everything, 4.attempts to blame you for every argument he/she starts, 5.stays angry with you for a long time, often over small things, 6.puts you down 7. abuses you, verbally, physically, or emotionally 8. Accuses you of being jealous when he/she openly flirts with other people 9. Refuses to spend time with your friends and family, and insists that you spend time with his/hers 10. He/She acts as if you aren't there and openly talks down about you


Is spending time apart a healthy or toxic characteristic of a relationship?

Healthy couples have both closeness and independence. They take space to pursue a life outside their partner. How well partners succeed in honoring each other’s needs for togetherness vs. separateness greatly impacts their relationship satisfaction.


You haven't talked to one of your friends since they started seeing someone new and that was months ago. You used to see each other a few times a week. Is this a characteristic of an unhealthy relationship

Most of the time Yes. Toxic couples tend to end up isolating themselves and not communicating with friends and family when there's something wrong. Maybe one of you is controlling or both parties are needy, but as a couple, you'll end up sort of collapsing in on yourselves.


Is keeping a scorecard or bringing up past mistakes a characteristic of a toxic relationship? If so why?

Yes. Deflecting the current issue by focusing on previous wrongs ,builds up guilt and bitterness, and manipulates your partner into feeling bad in the present for situations that aren't relevant. Instead deal with situations in the moment, if something bothered you that much a year ago, you should have dealt with it a year ago.