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Big 6 Companies
How many workers died on the job in 2012?
What is 4,383 workers died on the job in 2012
What does OSHA stand for?
What is: Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Amount the Fox River Cleanup Project will cost
What is 1 billion?
This company produces the chemical C8 that is shown to cause disease in humans.
What is DuPont?
Name one of the two anti-mosquito chemicals that help prevent the spread of West Nile Virus
Duet and DEET
What is an example of a Heavy Metal?
What is lead, mercury and cadmium. Or any metal that causes harm
Three ways a problem is found for a recalled product.
What is: 1) FDA is alerted by the producing company 2) The FDA finds the problem (through FDA inspections or an outisde report) 3) Center for Disease Control (CDC) notifies FDA
What is an example of a recently recalled product that you have heard about on the news?
What is Pet treats, Skillet Meals, Trader Giotto’s Caesar Salad, Acetaminophen infant suspension liquid by Babies R Us, Southwest Salad by Trader Joes, PENTAX's Gas/ Water Valves, Garden Fresh, Archer Farms, Market Pantry, and more: Multiple Refrigerated Ready-to-Eat Products
This company is responsible for contaminating drinking water supplies in the Midwest.
What is Syngenta?
This chemical, used to kill mosquitos, also can kill honey bees and is toxic to fish and aquatic life.
What is Duet. It should be sprayed at night when moquitos are active and bees dormant.
What does OSHA do?
What is: Sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards. OSHA also provides information, training and assistance to workers and employers. .
Amount of PCBs in the Fox River
What is 150,000 lbs or 50,000 ppm?
Why is the "Dirty Dozen" more susceptible to pesticides?
What is thin outer layer that absorbs
This major pesticide company was sued for bee deaths.
What is Bayer?
The best approach to consuming the least amount of pesticides from fruits and vegetables
What is buy organic produce
The three classifications for a recalled product.
What are: 1) Class 1- Product causes serious health hazard or death 2) Class 2- Product causes temporary health problems 3) Class 3- Product unlikely to cause a problem; product violates FDA labeling or manufacturing law
Amount of water treated through the Fox River Cleanup Project
What is 3.5 billion gallons?
Exposure to some commonly used pesticides caused which invasive species in Australia to become more aggressive while harming the native species?
What is the ant species
This company was sued over the Imprelis herbicide that kills trees
What is DuPont?
A new research found a link between pesticides and which disease?
What is Parkinson's disease?
Can you test for Heavy Metals in your water?
What is It's easy to test for metals in your urine, home, business and bottled water sources. You can busy a testing kit online or at a store.
What harm does PCBs cause to humans?
What is harmful to skin, eyes, and nerves
How much can you reduce your exposure to pesticides by buying organic versions of the "Dirty Dozen"?
What is 80%
Name 3 of the "Big 6" companies
What is Monsanto, BASF, Dow, DuPont, and Syngenta
A widely used insecticide that recently caused thousands of bees in Minnesota to die.
What is Fipronil?