Number of states that have changed their laws for teacher evaluation in the last 4 years - (round to nearest ten)
What is 30? (31)
The three choices for instructional frameworks in Washington State. Each district must adopt one.
What are Marzano, Danielson and CEL(5-D)?
Each of these 8 must be scored in a comprehensive evaluation.
What are state criteria?
Evidence collection method that is required by law, must be total of 60 minutes with one of at least 30 minutes.
Formal Observation
These assessments can be formative and/or summative in nature and should be a "natural harvest" gathered from essential work that teachers are already doing.
What are assessments used for student growth goals.
7 full days of trainng in year one, plus ongoing calibration training is required for these people.
Who are teacher evaluators?
This is based on 40 years of collected research and five years of real-classroom experimental/control studies.
What is the Marzano Instructional Framework?
Each of these 41 must be scored in the comprehensive evaluation
What are Marzano Components?
Clever TPEP word for piece of evidence collected and saved.
What is an artifact?
Each teacher in TPEP is required to complete this document early in the school year. Sharing with the evaluator is optional.
What is the Self Reflection
This evaluation system mirrors teacher evaluation almost exactly, but uses a different framework.
What the principal evaluation system? (AWSP)
Classroom Strategies, Planning and Preparing, Reflecting on Teaching and Collegiality and Professionalism.
What are the Four Domains of the Marzano Framework
60 additional rubrics that can help inform teaching practices, but are not scored for the final evaluation.
What are elements
Use of this electronic evidence archival system is optional at the teacher level.
What is eVAL?
Our working agreement with teachers states that evidence collection is not intended to be...
What is a cumbersome portfolio-based process.
Name of the only state which has lost its waiver from No Child Left Behind because of its choice to not make State Assessments a major component in teacher evaluation.
What is Washington?
Number of Marzano Domains which are said to be directly observable.
What is 1 - (Classroom Strategies and Behaviors)
These 5 components are scored as part of the comprehensive evaluation, and then pulled out for separate examination and rating.
What are student growth components?
Evidence in its most basic form can be gained through this collegial interaction.
What is a conversation (with verification)?
These two separate goal setting processes are parts of the comprehensive evaluation.
What are professional growth goals (8.4) and Student Growth Goals (SG 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1)
The teacher and principal evaluation project is often described as being a _____ model, not a punitive model.
What is a growth model?
The three categories of classroom instruction within Domain 1: Observable Classroom Strategies and Behaviors.
What are Lesson Segments involving: routines, content and enacted on the spot?
Evaluation format where only one criteria is selected for scoring.
What is a Focused Evaluation?
These brief classroom observations are used for evidence collection, and may be counted as part of the required 60 minutes of formal observation.
What are Instrucational Visits - must be at least 10 minutes
This may not be used to determine compensation of any kind and may not be shared or published with identifying information except as required by law.