What is the difference between Syncada, US Bank and TPPS?
Syncada users’ accounts must be recertified how often?
Every year.
What is an unmatched seller (supplier)?
An invoice that is a stand-alone record needing a matched order.
Is the use of CMOS optional?
An unmatched seller (supplier) is associated with the order or invoice?
Where do Syncada users go to setup their account access/password resets?
LTS (Logistics Tool Suite)
The Call for Funds cycles each month on or around what day?
The 15th of the month.
What is one reason you may have an unmatched supplier (seller)?
The Matching order is cancelled. Matching Order is in a different account. Matching Order has a different SCAC. No TPR. Order is not in Syncada at all. Invoice is a duplicate and is already matched to an order.
When are metrics updated each week on the LTS website?
Every Wednesday by noon eastern standard time.
It is an order that is not matched to any invoice.
Can a user with a certifier role approve a transaction?
True or False: Once a record goes into Payment Settled status you can cancel the order to break the connection?
If you have an unmatched supplier (seller) and it was initially released from CMOS within the last 30 days. What would you do?
Check for a duplicate then re-release from CMOS.
True or False: In accordance with transportation policy, Syncada users should approve an unlinked e-Bill if the charges are valid.
An Approval Required status is associated with the order or invoice?
What causes a Suspended Order?
There is no established TPR. One must be established to bring out of suspended status.
True or False: The monthly Call for Funds can be certified by any user if they have access to that specific account.
If you have an unmatched supplier (seller) and it was initially released from CMOS more than 30 days ago. What would you do?
Create an order from Invoice as the record is now archived in CMOS and unable to be re-released.
Where would I go in LTS to look up a transaction to see if was transmitted to Syncada?
TrackerLite. (Toolbox/Transaction Lookup)
Who provides the invoice to Syncada, CMOS or the Carrier?
What situation is it 100% acceptable to create an order from the invoice?
Is it your responsibility to track down invoices to match your existing orders?
If you do not remember all of the steps of solving your Unmatched Supplier (Seller) issue, where would you go to find the training?
TPPS Sharepoint Site, LTS Training Page, or TPPS MS TEAMS group.
IAW DoD policy, how many days do you have to pay an invoice that is service complete? (Shipment has been delivered and is marked as such by the carrier.)
3 Days.
True or False. A cancel order can be resumed to match an existing invoice?