Rules for Thee
Presidential Passtimes
Political Gaffes Pt. 2
TPUSA Speakers
Pop-Culture Politicans

This politician attended a large social gathering at a restaurant named "The French Laundry" during a state-wide ban on social gatherings over twelve people.

Who is Cal. Gov. Gavin Newsom?


This President is considered to have the greatest ceremonial opening pitch at a MLB World Series game.

Who is George W. Bush?


Reading off a teleprompter, this politician misspoke on national television by saying "end of quote" at the end of a speech.

Who is President Joe Biden?


Dropping out of college because of the levels of indoctrination they experienced, this Colorado native now hosts their own shows on Prager U, often interviewing students on college campuses in elaborate get-ups to the raise the question of "cultural appropriation".

Who is Will Witt?


In the T.V. series "Futurama", the dismembered head of former President Nixon is now the President of what.

What is "The Earth"?


This politician claimed they were "set up" by salon owners by booking a hair appointment during a city-wide indoor business ban. 

Who is Speaker Nancy Pelosi?


This President is the only one to have earned the Boy Scouts of America's highest rank of "Eagle Scout".

Who is Gerald R. Ford?


While being interviewed on who they thought the greatest living music artist was, this politician said "Tupac", despite him being dead since 1996.

Who is Vice President Kamala Harris?


These African-American brothers love talking about changing Black culture in America, while also showing off their gains at the gym while speaking in a very deep tone of voice.

Who are the HodgeTwins?


This actor plays the President in the 1997 action thriller "Air Force One", in which the famous airliner is highjacked by Communist radicals while the Presidential family is on-board.

Who is Harrison Ford?


This politician claimed their "presence in the public eye" necessitated a hair stylist visit despite a state-wide stay-at-home order, with hair-salons and barbershops being deemed "non-essential" business.

Who is Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot?


This President had a single-lane bowling alley installed at the White House, for he and the first-lady were avid bowlers.

Who is Richard Nixon?


This politician mispronounced the name of Yosemite National Park in a speech regarding conservation as "Yo Semite", an awkward greeting to a Jewish person.

Who is President Donald Trump?

This former NYPD Officer and Secret Service agent now turned radio-show host/political commentator believes that the greatest threat current facing America is a "truth-crisis".

Who is Dan Bongino?


This cartoon character served a 15-year term as a mayor in a Rhode Island town by day, and was the caped crusader Batman by night. He was also voiced by himself until his untimely death in 2017.

Who is Mayor Adam West?


This politician's spouse attempted to persuade a marina operator to put their family's boat in the water for Memorial Day weekend festivities, claiming "don't you know my wife's the governor?", despite state-wide stay-at-home orders and cautions of gathering at lakefronts and beaches.

Who is Mich. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer?


This President kept and bred racing horses, and had racing stables built at the White House. His horses names were Lady Nashville, Bolivia, Emilie, and Busiris

Who is Andrew Jackson?


Considered the first instance of a national "hot mic" incident, this politician accidentally told the American people "My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” This nearly started WW3.

Who is President Ronald Reagan?


This popular personal finance advisor has been helping families pay off their loans and debts, while continuing to promote that capitalism and personal responsibility are keys to a steady financial future.

Who is Dave Ramsey?


This politician prides themselves of being in-touch with the younger generations, frequently streaming political events and discussion on Instagram Live and Twitch.

Who is NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?


This politician vacationed in lockdown-free Florida, while their home-state continued to impose indoor vaccination and masking requirements. When confronted, they claimed they were "harassed", asking why Republicans wanted to date them so badly.

Who is NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?


This President never missed the weekly crossword puzzle in the newspaper.

Who is Bill Clinton?


Elaborating on how bad their bowling game was, this politician compared their abilities to that of the "Special Olympics" despite bowling being a highly competitive sport amongst those who compete.

Who is President Barak Obama?


This decorated, gay Iraqi War Veteran aided in the repealing of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" bill, barring openly gay people to serve in the U.S. military. Their more controversial "coming out" happened in 2018 when they announced their identity as a Conservative.

Who is Rob Smith?


This presidential candidate is most known for his outlandish campaign promises including "a free pony for everyone" and calling themselves "I am a tyrant that you should trust, and you should let me run your life because I do know what is best for you." He often wears a boot as a hat and several neckties.

Who is Vermin Supreme?