Name the movie about a child fighting off burglars with traps in his home.
Home Alone
What instrument gets rung in one of the most famous Christmas songs?
What is a jingle bell
What do we drink on New Year's Eve?
Champagne or sparkling cider
What color is Rudolph's nose?
What is red
What object do you spin and get money when you win?
What is a dreidel
What do you shoot your eye out with in A Christmas Story?
What is a red rider BB Gun
How many crazy nights are in Adam Sandler's Chanukah song?
What can you use on your Christmas tree and eat as a treat?
How many reindeer does Santa have?
This item people decorate with colored or white lights
What is a Christmas Tree?
The name of the Grinch's pet dog?
Who is Max
What animal did Grandma get runover by
He is yummy and made from cookie dough
What is a gingerbread man?
What does Santa leave you if your naughty?
What is the large sock filled with treats called?
What is a stocking?
What do they put on a snowman's head in Frosty to make him come to life?
What is a top hat
What Christmas song has an animal that everyone wants?
What is a hippo
What is the pancake like food made out of potatoes that Jewish people enjoy on Channukah
What is a Latke?
What color are mistletoe berries?
What tradition is connected with mistletoe during the Christmas time?
In Home Alone, the McCallister's are going on vacation to this city, when they leave Kevin at home.
This is given on the 7th day of Christmas in The Twelve Days of Christmas song?
What is Seven Swans a-swimming
Visions of which food danced in children’s heads as they slept in the poem “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas?”
Sugar plums
Who wrote the famous book "A Christmas Carol"?
Charles Dickens
The name of a famous Russian Christmas ballet?
What is The Nutcracker