Explain your procedure during a fire.
Ensure all patients and staff are taken outside to the dumpster, place blue tape on the doors to inform that no one is inside, pull the alarm, get the printed patient schedule for that day, call upstairs to alert. Make sure to mention ARACE and PASS.
What is the kill time for the sani-wipes?
2 minutes (purple)
What does EOC mean?
Environment of care.
What is our fingernail policy?
Fingernails must be clean, no longer than finger tips, and can be painted but not chipped.
What is the order in changing from dirty to clean?
Put on gloves, remove pillow case, clean table, wash hands,replace clean pillow case
What happens with the sharps container?
Once it is 1/2 full, we call maintenance/housekeeping and then...who knows?
What do we log and where are they located?
Low frequency and high frequency cleaning logs, hydrocollator, freezer log. Located on clipboard hanging in hot/cold pack closet and on side of black cabinet.
Announce, Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish
Why do we have patients fill out the intake sheet prior to each appointment?
We reconcile name and DOB with each patient's medical record.
What is the hot pack verbage?
We wash these 1x per month because they never touch the patient or when they are visibly soiled.
Where and what is the exposure plan?
Policy for infection prevention, airborne path, and bloodborn path. It is in the gray folder and on the BMH homepage.
When do we use Purell vs Soap?
Purell is used in between each patient. Soap used when hands are visibly soiled and when in contact with C- Diff.
Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
Explain procedure for a suicidal patient.
Take the patient to a private room with a phone. Call mobile crisis and let patient talk to them. You need to talk to mobile crisis for further instruction. You cannot force the patient to stay, but you should encourage them to stay if indicated. If the patient leaves against recommendations, immediately call the police so they can make a safety check on that patient at home.
How do you document pain?
Ask the patient each time they come in for an appointment and document pre- and post- treatment pain.
What are the 4 required topics of the patient intake sheet? 4 topics on the summary sheet?
Name, DOB, falls? , change of medication? Medical history, medication list, fall, pain.
What are standard precautions? What are universal precautions?
Assume everyone is contagious, wash hands in between patients, and use PPE. Wrong surgery, wrong site, wrong patient.
What specifically are SDS and where can we find them?
Safety data sheets with detailed chemical safety information for each potentially hazardous material in the clinic. They are in a folder in the break room and also on the BMH home page.
What is our downtime process?
Make sure to have a printed schedule, complete written notes and charges.
Please give examples of inappropriate greetings (terms of endearment).
Honey, Sweetheart, sugar daddy, etc.
What are the hospital's EOC goals for this year? Where is Joint commission phone #?
1. Decreasing sharps injuries 2. Completing evacuation plan changes. Posted in the lobby.
What is the procedure for administering Dex? Administrative procedure and clinical procedure. Can we use Maalox?
Obtain MD order, send medication review to pharmacy, give patient medication info sheet. Clinically, clean top of Dex vile with alcohol pad, use sterile syringe/needle to withdraw, apply. Apply Maalox if needed for redness or stinging/burning.
What is MDRO?
Multi-drug Resistant Organism.
What is the yellow code process? Who is the back up for your clinic?
Email amount of blood pressure cuffs, wheel chairs, and number of people available. Report to command center when asked. Jerry is Julie's back up.
Why do we ask for ethnicity/Race?
This is used for statistical purposes.