Hayley and Nicole M. both plan to Hustle this American into playing them in their biopics
Jennifer Lawrence
Ashley's TV is tuned in to the nice weather in Will Smith's hometown
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Shannon is trotting to the next Olympics to participate
Showjumping (equestrian)
Nikki is having dinner with this living person in her Wildest Dreams
Taylor Swift
Marckecia and Brad W. have two different sky-high bucket list items
Sky-Diving and Bungee Jumping
Ivan needs an Inside Man to contact this American Gangster to play him in his biopic
Denzel Washington
Sam is having dinner with this rich, newly single, and attractive Great Showman
Hugh Jackman
Melissa's tall dinner guest stays Golden with the Suns
Kevin Durant
This American Horror lover will be cast to play both Cathy and Melissa B. in their biopics
Cathy Bates
Mr. Smith will be cast as Shawn in Shawn's biopic
Brad Pitt
Laura F. loved watching a fast-talking mother-daughter duo
Gilmore Girls
Alex and Sarah are casting these two Mean Girls to play them in their biopics
Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried
Bryan's watching a sick, high-school chem teacher find an alternate way to make money
Breaking Bad
Both Brad R. and Hunter S. would like to have dinner with this X-troverted personality
Elon Musk
Vince would compete in this icy Olympic team sport
The Scandinavian country on Erik's bucket list
Michelle's bucketlist includes seeing every piece in this museum
The Louvre
Olivia's bucketlist includes paragliding in this picturesque Swiss town
This Ghost Op is going for the gold in "that shooting thing the guy from Turkey participated in" during the next Olympics
An aTTRACtive Nuisance & SLAyers both believe "when someone shows you who they really are for the first time, believe them."
Chad and Leah
The favorite TV (game)show Manny and Alice watch every night
Wheel of Fortune!
This SLAyer's bucket list item includes tossing something into an active volcano
Kendall's bucketlist includes copying Europe and having Michigan build a...
Comprehensive railway system
Nicole T. loves reading about Heathcliff
Wuthering Heights
All of Guy's co-workers have access to his favorite book