Disadvantages & Advantages
Economic Decisions

"The second largest country in the world in area (after Russia), occupying roughly the northern two-fifths of the continent of North America."

What is Canada?


In the Traditional Economic System, individuals have a sense of survival and gain skills to live independently. 

What is self-sufficiency? 


This question determines the use of guidance from a family, tribe or group to regulate the economy and laws.

What is "who will the economy be centered around?"


"They are a distinctive Christian subculture that traces its roots to the 16th century Protestant Reformation"

What is the Amish?


In the Traditional Economic System, indigenous groups can stay connected to their roots and culture.

What is cultural preservation? 


This question determines the community's resources and its quantities. 

What is "How much does the community need?"


"Country in the Caribbean Sea that includes the western third of the island of Hispaniola and such smaller islands as Gonâve, Tortue (Tortuga), Grande Caye, and Vache."

What is Haiti?


In the Traditional Economic System, most individuals produce and consume to survive; minimizing income sources. 

What are limited opportunities for individuals to gain wealth?


This question determines the movement of resources, who gets them, and how much.

What is "How will resources be distributed amongst members of the economy/country?"


"Group of culturally and linguistically unique Indigenous peoples of the Arctic and subarctic regions whose homelands encompass Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland, a self-governing overseas administrative division of Denmark), Arctic Canada, northern and southwestern Alaska in the United States, and part of Chukotka in the Far East region of Russia."

What is the Inuit people?


In the Traditional Economic System, climate change and weather can disrupt economic activities such as agriculture and hunting. 

What are seasonal changes?


This question determines the society's business partners and possible imports and exports.

What is "Who will they barter with?"


"Country situated at the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula."

What is Yemen?


In the Traditional Economic System, groups typically contain the same beliefs and values; allowing recognition and understanding of one another.

What is the general understanding of each other/similar societal views?


This question determines how to simultaneously keep up with traditions and the society of the developing world.

What is "Which traditions should be kept inside their society and which ones should be modernized?"