The number of rules that govern the validity of categorical syllogisms.
What is seven?
The status of a term in regards to its extension.
What is distribution?
The act of uniting by affirming or separating by denying.
What is judgemnt?
He is considered the Father of Logic.
Who is Aristotle?
The three elements of a proposition.
What are the subject-term, the predicate-term, and the copula?
The three categories of rules that govern categorical syllogisms.
What are terminological, quantitative, and qualitative.
These are the two statements in which the subject term IS distributed.
What are the A and E statements?
This rule states that two statements are contrary if they are both UNIVERSAL but differ in QUALITY.
What is the Rule of Contraries?
The form in which the copula must be stated.
What is some form of the verb to be.
The mental act that comes before a proposition.
What is judgement?
The two terminological rules.
What are "There must be three and only three terms" and "The middle term must not occur in the conclusion"?
These are the two statements in which the predicate term in UNdistributed.
What are the A and I statements?
The four ways categorical statements can be in opposition to one another.
What are contradictory, contrary, subcontrary, and subalternate?
Converting propositions by interchanging the subject and predicate.
What is conversion?
What is a term?
"If a term is distributed in the conclusion, then it must be distributed in the premises" and "The middle term must be distributed at least once."
What are the two quantitative rules of categorical syllogisms?
What are the negative propositions?
The diagram into which we put all notes of an object.
What is the Porphyrian Tree?
When the conclusion follows logically from its premises.
What is validity?
What are univocal, equivocal, and analogous.
The three qualitative rules.
What are "No conclusion can follow from two negative premises" and "If the two premises are affirmative, the conclusion must also be affirmative" and "If either premise is negative, the conclusion must be negative"?
The statement quantity in which the subject term is always distributed.
What is universal?
The name of the author of our Traditional Logic Textbook.
What is Martin Cothran?
This means the correspondence of a statement to reality. (pg. 3)
What is TRUTH?
These are the steps to convert a statement into an equivalent using contraposition.
What are obvert the statement, convert the statement, and obvert the statement again?