Distracted Driving
Walking Safety
Bike Safety
Vision Zero/ Safe Systems Approach
General Traffic Safety

Taking a call, texting, loud music, eating, and arguing with passenger.

What are some driver distractions?


You begin crossing the street and the walk signal begins to flash, you should____

What is continue walking to get across the street?


True or False: You should ride your bike with traffic not against it.

What is true?


Eliminating all traffic fatalities and serious injuries is the goal

What is Vision Zero?

When you are going faster than the maximum speed limit.

What is speeding?


On average, drivers take their eyes off the road for _____ seconds.

What is 5 seconds?


You should do _____ with drivers before crossing the street

What is make eye contact?

Additional info: drivers always have to stop for you if you are crossing at a crosswalk, with or without the eye contact, but it is a good idea when possible, to make sure they see you


You need a white one in the front and a red one in the back

What are bike lights?


_____ ____ reduce the likelihood of crashes and the severity of injuries

What are lower speeds?


If your windshield wipers are on, these should be on too

What are your headlights?


True or False: Talking on a hands-free device is just as dangerous as holding a phone while driving.

What is true?


This is one of the biggest distractions for pedestrians that can lead to crashes

What is looking at your phone or texting?


You should be able to fit two of these between the chin strap and your chin on your bike helmet

What are your fingers?


Roads can be designed to be safer for everyone under the Safe Systems Approach by adding these?

What are bike lanes and pedestrian crossings?


In DC alleys, the maximum speed is _____

What is 15mph?


Percentage of teen drivers admit to reading a text or email while driving

What is 35%?


If there is no sidewalk you should do this?

What is walk on the left side facing traffic?


To let drivers and bicyclists know you are turning you use this

What are your arms/hands?


This is a key strategy that Vision Zero cities use to reduce traffic fatalities

What is redesigning streets to slow down traffic, like narrowing lanes or adding roundabouts?


____ is the maximum speed limit on DC roads unless otherwise posted.

What is 20 mph?


In the U.S., approximately this many deaths per year are caused by distracted driving

What is 46,000?


True or False: Pedestrians always have the right of way, even when crossing outside of crosswalks

What is false?


Wearing this helps to absorb the force of an impact and decreases your risk of a serious head injury by up to 85%

What is a bike helmet?


Pedestrians hit by a car at this speed increase the likelihood of serious injury or fatality by 73%

What 40MPH?


If you are tired or fatigued you should do this

What call a friend or take a ride share?