Book Selection
Library Lingo
Book Care
Library Procedures
Books with a yellow dot with a letter on their spine label belong in this section of the library
What is the EVERYBODY Section?
This is the part of the book that you see when a book is on the shelf.
What is the Spine?
This is where you should keep your books at home so they are safe.
What is your backpack or someplace high (and dry!).
This is what you use to hold a place on the shelf while you look at a book.
What is a shelf marker?
This is what you call a person who draws pictures for a book.
What is the illustrator?
Books with "FIC" on the spine label belong in this section of the library.
What is the Fiction Section.
These are the kind of books that you can find in the non-fiction section. (HINT: what do they contain?)
What are informational, factual, true, or nonfiction books.
This is what you should use to save your place in a book.
What is a bookmark. Never turn down the corner of a page of a book - YIKES!!!
This is how many books you can check out at one time.
What is 2?
This is the author of "Horton Hears a Who"
Who is Dr. Seuss?
This is how you can tell if a book is already checked out of the library - in the online catalog.
What is catalog will say "OUT" in red by the title.
These are the kind of books that you would find in the FIC - Fiction Section (be is this different than the "E" section?
What are chapter books, stories that are made up and that have very few pictures?
This is what you should keep your books away from at home.
What is baby brothers or sisters, pets, food, drink.
This is what you should do if you see any adult in the building hold their hand in the air.
What is hold your hand in the air and close your mouth? "When the hand goes up the mouth goes shut"
This is how fiction books are arranged on the shelf.
What is alphabetical order by the author's last name?
This is the link that you have to click on our computers to look for books in our library.
What is the Riverton School Library Catalog link in the 'Students' box?
These are three things that you can find on the title page of a book.
What are the: Title Author Illustrator Publisher (non-picture books)
This is how you should turn the pages of a book.
What is slowly, carefully from the corner. What happens if you turn a page from the side of a page? IT MIGHT RIP!! :(
This is where we sit during read-aloud story time.
What is on the rug with our legs crossed in front of our story-reader?
This is the rule you should follow when selecting a book - you read a page in a book and see if there are 5 words you can't say or don't understand.
What is the Five-Finger Rule?
This is how you can tell if a book is from the Non-Fiction Section (just by looking at the spine label)
What is ...there are numbers on the spine label?
This is what you call the number and/or letters on the spine label of a book (it's like the book's address)
What is the Call Number of the book - it's called Call Number even if it doesn't contain any Numbers.
This is what you should NEVER do around your books.
What is eat or drink?
These are 3 kinds of library materials that students CAN NOT checkout.
What is encyclopedias, videos, atlases, or dictionaries.
What should you do every day, whether in school or on vacation?