The body's largest organ
What is the skin?
This type of muscle is composed of muscle cells, layers of connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels
What is skeletal muscle?
Easy Street- The name of the state-regulated test that massage therapy students are required to take for licensure.
What is Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination also known as the MBLEx?
This structure is the easiest to feel when checking for a pulse
What is an artery?
This term means 'to examine or explore by touching an organ or area of the body,' often used as a diagnostic aid.
What is palpation?
The thinnest layer of skin is found on this part of the body
What are the eyelids?
This structure is formed when a muscle's connective tissue layers merge at either end of the muscle.
What is a tendon?
This is a continuous sheet of fibrous membrane located beneath the skin and around muscles and organs
What is fascia?
This small, fluid-filled sac reduces friction between two structures
What is a bursa?
This principle during palpation encourages practitioners to visualize what they’re trying to access and verbalize their findings to a partner
What is 'working smart'?
Easy Street - What is the name of the Board that governs Massage Therapist in the State of Florida
What is the Florida Board of Massage Therapy?
This term refers to a muscle that resists the action of the prime mover.
What is an antagonist?
This connective tissue structure is composed of bundles of parallel collagen fiber
What is a tendon?
These blood vessels can easily be seen on the dorsal surface of the hand.
What are veins?
These anatomical structures act as 'trail markers' to help locate muscles and tendons
What are bony landmarks?
This structure is distinguished by its unchanging shape and rigidity
What is a bone?
This is the layer of fascia that surrounds individual muscle fibers
What is endomysium?
This connective tissue structure connects bones at a joint to provide strength and stability and has a striated texture.
What is a ligament?
These bean-shaped structures are found throughout the body, with palpable groups in the groin, axilla, and neck.
What are lymph nodes?
When the structure you are palpating is moving, your hand should do this
What is remain still?
Daily Double :
Bones of the forearm
What are the radius and the ulna?
The perimysium is responsible for wrapping long muscle fibers into these structures
What are bundles?
This is the name for a broad, flat tendon.
What is an aponeurosis?
This type of tissue is best described as having a gelatinous consistency
What is adipose tissue?
To outline the shape or edge of a bone, it is best to move your fingers in this direction
What is across the bone?