What are the three power usages and in which two places on the power card can you find a power's usage?
At-Will, Encounter, Daily
Color at the top of the card and on the upper left, below the power card's fluff
A minor action can be substituted for what action type(s)?
This role is all about taking out the enemy. With a damage spike, this role deal more damage than any other role in the game. Most times, this comes from increased damage but it can also result from greater accuracy.
This condition gives creatures a +2 bonus to attack rolls against another creature. This can be attained simply by flanking a creature.
Combat Advantage
This free action is usually available at least once per encounter, allowing you to act out of turn, gain an extra action on your turn, or gain a bonus to a d20 roll.
Action Point
Where can you find general information about a power such as power source, damage type, effects, and/or if it uses a weapon or implement?
Upper right of the power card, under the power card's fluff
Move action can be substituted for what action(s)?
Minor action only
This role is the party’s bulwark, the deadly wall containing and destroying anything in reach. This role all have some means of keeping their enemies focused on them, and, at the very least, imposing the marked condition but also instilling another nasty effect to punish opponents whose eyes and attacks wander elsewhere.
This 5-foot-step allows a creature to escape being in melee without provoking an opportunity attack
This ability allows you to push a creature one square and follow them.
Bull Rush
What power entry goes off regardless of what else happens in the power?
Effect entries
What actions can a Standard action be substituted for?
Minor or Move
This role holds the party together. This role can often step into other roles, helping to defend allies against enemy attacks or deliver crippling attacks that allow strikers do their worst.
Anyone who says healer has to spin the bad wheel...
Allows a creature to move double their speed as a single move action but takes a -5 penalty to attack roll, defenses, and skill checks until the start of their next turn due to exhaustion.
Every player character has access to this emergency recovery and defensive ability.
Second Wind
When an power entry calls on a stat, what is it telling you?
Use that stat modifier, as well as any other modifiers, with that attack roll, damage roll, or other effects of that power
How many Immediate Actions does a single player get in a round?
This role manages the battlefield. Armed with powers capable of striking several targets at once, this role can handle crowds with ease. Many can create or modify terrain to restrict movement and control the combat’s flow. This role can also bestow harmful conditions or “debuffs,” many of which help many classes get past high defenses.
This type of terrain slows you down, requiring at least double to movement to get through.
Difficult terrain.
This ability modifies other basic abilities. But be careful because using it automatically ends after you use it.
What is the difference between a burst and blast
What is the move hierarchy?
Standard, Move, Minor
Name the power sources and their inherent secondary roles. Each two right answers gets a spin on the good wheel.
Arcane: Controller
Divine: Leader
Martial: Striker
Primal: Defender
Psionic: Controller
Shadow: Controller
How much damage do you take from falling per square (5 feet)?
This ability allows you to sacrifice a healing surge to gain a needed +1 to a d20 roll. But no one will ever use that, right?
Pushing the Limit