Southern Railway
What Do I Smell
Who's Cooking?
Holy Trinity
New Hope 40

In 1980, the Southern merged with this ex-subsidiary from the Pennsylvania Railroad.

What is the N&W


Steam engines, before coal, widely used to burn this, which made it much easier to catch brush and the landscape on fire.

What is wood


Another word for kitchen inside passenger trains was this.

What is a Galley


The Union Pacific Steam Program has had three steam locomotives operate, not all three simultaneously.

What is 844, 4014, & 3985


40's home is in this tiny town in Pennsylvania.

What is New Hope


"And Then There Was One" focuses on this engine.

Who is 4501

This locomotive builder had long excelled at constructing steam engines. When the switch to diesel came, their locomotives smoked way more than normal.

What is ALCO


The Santa Fe had a special breakfast option on board its Super Chief, which many passengers say was their best memory aboard the train: this kind of toast.

What is French Toast


Three main types of locomotives.

What is Steam, Diesel, & Electric


New Hope 40 has some history to the Philadelphia area, as she was built by this locomotive builder in 1925.

What is BLW


When transporting Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad #1 to Felton, California, the Southern Railway interchanged at New Orleans with this railroad to take the Shay onto California.

What is the Southern Pacific


When the Grand Canyon Railway converted 4960 and 29 into recycled vegetable oil, the locomotives smelled like this.

What is burgers/fries/fried food


Richard Anderson changed Amtrak's meal options to this airline style.

What is pre-heated/microwaved


The McCloud Railway never had three steamers operate at once, but they did have three from 1992 to 2010 visit or operate. One of them was not owned by the McCloud Railway; instead, it was owned by Yreka Western.

Who are 18, 19 & 25


New Hope 40 was finished on a very cold and merry month.

What is December


One of their trains was named after a phase for the moon.

What is the Crescent


This liquid fuel is very thick and black.

What is Bunker


Southern Pacific had an unwritten rule for its passenger trains: Children and people in military uniform would get extra portions on the house, and children could have a free scoop of what.

What is Ice Cream


Jerry Jacobson's Ohio Central Railroad at once had three simultaneous operating locomotives. Two were ex-Canadians, and one was a US native.

What is 1293, 1551, & 6325


Surprisingly, 40's original owner in South Carolina is still kicking today.

What is the Lancaster & Chester


In the Wreck of the Old 97, the locomotive involved was actually restored and remained in operation until the 1930s.

What is 1102


This YouTuber cooked food inside an ex-Rio Grande Southern engine.

Who is Hyce


This nickel-plated engine runs ice cream trains occasionally.

Who is 765


Three steam locomotives were seen before arriving in Louisiana for the 1984 World's Fair in New Orleans. One was from Portland, one was from McCloud, who came to Dunsmuir, and the last was in El Paso, Texas, where a doubleheader was performed.

Who are Southern Pacific 4449, McCloud 25, & Southern Pacific 3420


When sold to the Cliffside Railroad of North Carolina, 40 was given this nickname as the largest engine on their roster.

What is "The Big Engine"