Instant - Candid - Hidden - Surveillance
What are Cameras?
This city's famous bridge has a deceiving name, it's not in fact golden, rather its red.
What is San Francisco (Golden Gate Bridge)
This cute locomotive inspires all of us to never give up.
It's estimated more people on earth have and use this device than a toothbrush
What is a cell phone?
(by roughly half a billion)
Only 16 animals do not have this body part, making communication possible
What is a vocal box?
Martens - Google - Holiday - MDs.
What are docs?
This a double-decked suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River is rather Presidential.
What is the George Washington Bridge?
America's first steam locomotive lost a race to this animal in 1830.
What is a horse?
This wireless technology is named after the 10th century Danish king Harald Gormsson, who united Denmark and Norway.
What is Bluetooth? (it was his nickname)
The Bluetooth logo combines the runes ᚼ and ᛒ, which are Harald's initials
1935, the end of a era! The last one of it's kind was produced in Hollywood, released by Paramount International.
What is a silent film?
Legong: Dance of the Virgins.
Box - Green - Sea - Snapping
What are turtles?
The Seven Mile Bridge connects Key Largo to this famous Ernest Hemmingway spot.
What is Key West?
America ran on local times that varied from place to place until the locomotive industry helped create these 4 zones.
What is Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific time zones?
This browser was originally released as Phoenix, got rebranded and is sometimes called the red panda. It can't seem to figure out what type of animal it wants to be..
What is Firefox?
Law and Order made it familiar to American audiences, but the warning "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law" is protected under these 2 amendments.
What is the fifth and sixth amendment?
Africa - Matadors - Little Red Riding Hood - Cod
What are things with capes?
This The Mackinac Bridge suspension bridge connects the Upper and Lower peninsulas of which US state.
What is Michigan?
This mode of transportation runs on high-speed rail is known as Shinkansen in Japan and can reach 300 mph.
What is a Bullet Train?
Who is Huawei?
This classic German novel tells of realities and horrors of WWI.
What All Quiet on the Western Front?
Toupees - handgun owners - puzzles - Reeses
What are pieces?
What is the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
In Monopoly the B&O Railroad is worth only $200, in real-life, it's namesake _______ was worth much more.
What is Baltimore and Ohio Railroad?
This company's been on fire since it's launch in 1996! The smokin' service was the predecessor to
What is
In this Shakespearean play, the title character's daughter has her tongue ripped out forever silencing her.
What is Titus Andronicus?