Employee Manual
Staff Expectations
Classroom Management

When do you turn in your attendance sheet? 

At the end of the day before you leave. 


What is professionalism?

The skills, good judgment, work ethics, morals and polite behavior that is expected from a person.


What day(s) do you get paid? 

On the 5th and 20th of every month. 


What do you do in order to ask for a day off? 

Fill out the employee time off request form and send a google calendar invite.


Where should you be in the classroom?

You should always be visible in the classroom. 


What color should the pen be for the attendance sheet?

Black or blue ink only. 


What is an item of clothing that is inappropriate for work?  

Crocs, crop tops, spaghetti straps, shoes that slip on etc. 


What is the employee status of an after school teacher?

A non-exempt employee. 


What should you always have with you when you leave to the cafeteria for sign in?

Your walkie and materials that are needed for the day. 


What should be open at all times?

Classroom doors should be open at all times. 


What is the purpose of an ER code? 

The purpose of an early release policy is to identify why children are leaving before the end of the program. Thus, it is important for parents/guardians to identify the reason they are picking up their child before the end of the program.


What are the three bullet points in the first stage of building relationships with families? 

Beginning stage: 

  • Introduce yourself at the beginning of the school year. 

  • Greet the parents. “ Hi, how are you?” “ Have a good rest of your day”

  • Smile to the parent. Make eye contact and make yourself feel like you are approachable. 


How long is your break if you work from 1PM-6PM? 

10 minutes 


What should be happening during snack time?

You should watch your students and make sure that they clean up after themselves. 


What should you do if you walk into your classroom and you see a mess?

You should take pictures of the classroom before letting students in and letting your director know how the classroom was left. 


When is an ER code used?

ER Codes must be used if elementary or middle school students leave a program at any time up to 5:00 pm.


What is working at a school like in regards to engaging relationships with families? 

A 4 way stop sign. 

After how many days from your first day of work can you use your sick hours?

Employees cannot use any paid sick leave until after thirty (30) continuous days of employment.

How often should you wear your EBAYC shirt once the school year starts? 
The first two weeks you should wear it every day and after that, 3 times a week. 

What should always be enforced?

Always enforce program rules, policy, procedures and your own classroom rules.


What is ER code 7?

ERC #7 - Child Accident: Participant experiences an injury or incident, soiled or clothing repair-related incident, etc...


What are the four zones on the comfort zone map? 

Comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone. 


What is an "at-will" employment?

Employment with EBAYC is “At-Will”, meaning that employment is for no definite or determinable period and may be terminated at any time, with or without cause or prior notice, at the option of either the employee or EBAYC.


What should you do if you feel sick in the morning and cannot make it to work?

Text/Call your director to let them know that you will not make it in to work in the morning so that they can plan out the rest of the day. 


What should you do inside of your classroom?

Walk around and supervise the students. Don’t sit in one spot. Walking around helps you interact with students and you catch things you wouldn't if you were sitting down.