How many segments are in the right lower lobe?
What is the referred to as the "roots" of the lung?
Hila or Hilum
This occurs when air leaks into the space between the lungs and chest wall.
5 year Survival Rate for lung cancer
Apical Posterior segment is in which lobe?
Left upper Lobe
Which pleura of the lung is most lateral?
Parietal Pleura
CT Coronal view shows what?
Anterior, Posterior
What percent of all cancers identified are lung or bronchus?
Which main stem is longer?
Left main stem
Which Pleura is most medial?
Visceral Pleura
Lung Cancer kills more people than these cancers combined.
Skin, Colon, Breast, Pancreatic
Lung cancer is the number 1 cause of cancer related deaths in the US with what number?
1.6 million deaths
How many total segments are in both lungs?
The most important Muscle of respiration
Air filled space in the lung Parenchyma
What is the 5 year survival rate with breast cancer?
What segments make up the Lingula?
Superior, Inferior
What does the Mediastinum contain?
Heart and vessels, esophagus, trachea, lymph nodes,phrenic and cardiac nerves, thymus
What is the estimated deaths from lung cancer is 2018?
What is the ratio of cancer deaths caused by lung cancer?
1 in 5