Food Labels
Sources of Reliable Nutritional Information
Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Vitamin, Mineral, and Protein Supplements
Media Influences on Body Image

The part of the nutrition facts table that indicates how much of a nutrient is in a product in relation to how much of it a person needs each day.

What is Daily Value?


Instead of promoting an agenda, good articles promote this.

What is fact?


A way to maintain a healthy weight without altering food intake.

What is regular exercise?


Since most people don’t need them, supplements are often this.

What is unnecessary?


The way people in the media look can be deceitful because of this practice.

What is editing?


The heaviest ingredient in the ingredients list.

What is the first ingredient?


A reliable article generally does not try to do this to you.

What is sell something?


If people are concerned about maintaining a specific weight, they may develop this. (This is not the only reason people might develop this).

What is an eating disorder?


It is not believed that consuming this amount is beneficial. In some cases, this amount of vitamins and minerals can be dangerous.

What is excess?


Upon seeing that they do not match the appearance of media models, people may feel this way.

What is ashamed?


This is the carbohydrate you want to find a good amount of on the nutrition facts table.

What is fibre?


Articles from this type of establishment are often considered reliable sources of nutritional information.

What is an educational article?


In this energy equation that can help people maintain their weight, a healthy diet is on one side, and exercise (among others) is on the other side.

What is input and output?


When choosing one of these, people should make sure that its vitamins/minerals/nutrients don’t exceed the daily recommended amount of each.

What is a multivitamin?


After looking at themselves in comparison to the media, some people want to do this.

What is become like what is portrayed?


The percentage of a little of a nutrient in a food, and the percentage of a lot of a nutrient in a food.

What is 5% and 15%?


When articles include this (usually at the bottom), the writers suggest they have nothing to hide.

What is a source?


This low calorie snack can be grown at home and should help maintain a good weight. That is, if you don’t need to eat high calorie foods to maintain your weight. (However, the nutrients found in this are necessary for all).

What is a vegetable?


Older people, vegetarians, and vegans may need to supplement their diets with this.

What is vitamin B12?


People may develop this if they regularly compare themselves to what they see on social media.

What is depression?


Canadians tend to eat enough of this macronutrient, so it does not have a Daily Value percentage on the nutrition facts table.

What is protein?


The concise term used to describe reliable nutrition articles that provide both sides of the story without the opinions of the writers.

What is unbiased?


People aren’t necessarily overweight just because they think the scale number appears high. A healthy weight may be dependent on age and this factor.

What is height?


Taking a lot of this supplement in this form does not build muscle alone. Exercise is necessary.

What is protein powder?


To become like what they see in the media, people may develop this. (This is not the only reason people may develop this).

What is an eating disorder?