What is the purpose of a Warm up?
prepare the body both physiologically and psychologically for the upcoming work period
How long should a warm up last for?
8 - 10 minutes
What are the two phases of the conditioning?
Fitness and Skill
What is the acronym for the structure of an effective warm up?
What factors are the make up of the conditioning component determined by?
1.Nature of the sport – skills based sports (snooker, golf) will focus less on fitness and more on skill development
2.Phase of the season – pre season is typically a time to develop the aerobic base and therefore may require a greater fitness component
what structure does a warm up follow?
A) General Phase, Dynamic Phase, Activity Phase
B) Dynamic Phase, General Phase, Activity Phase
C) Activity Phase, Dynamic Phase, General Phase,
What does the conditioning of the Fitness Phase entail?
develop and maintain the energy systems and components of fitness specific to the sport
What is the purpose of the cool down
Assist body with recovery
What does RAMP Stand for?
RAMP (raise, activate, mobilise and prepare)
What does the conditioning of the Skill Phase entail?
practice the skills, tactics and game plans
what aspect of training is gradually reduced in the cool down?