Training to Win/Entrenando para ganar
Spiritual Training/Entrenamiento espiritual
Running the Race
the paralyzed man/
Corriendo la carrera; El hombre Paralitico
The Final Race/ La Carrera Final

What did Daniel propose in his heart? 

Que propuso Daniel en su corazon?

Not to contaminate himself with the king's food and wine.

No contaminarse con la comida y vino del rey


what do the running shoes represent in our spiritual life?

Que representan los tennis en la vida espiritual?

our walk with God, it prepares us each day for our walk with God.

Nuestro caminar con Dios


What was the name of the gate where all the sick people were?

Como se llamaba el estanque donde estaban los enfermos?




What was Pauls original name?

cual fue el nombre original de Pablo?


what did Daniel and his friends prefer to eat?

Que prefirieron comer Daniel y sus amigos?

Vegetables and Water

Legumbres y agua


What does the Bible represent?

Que representa la Biblia?

The Rules

Las regals


what were all these sick people waitng for?

que esperaban estos enfermos que sucediera?

the moving of the water

el movimiento de las aguas


What did Paul do to the Christians before he converted to Chrisianity?

Que hacia Pablo a los cristianos antes de convertirse?

persecuted them/killed them/muerdered them

los mataba


how many days did they eat this for?

Cuantos dias comieron esto?

10 days/dias


What does the water bottle represent?

Que representa la botella de agua?



Who descended time to time to the gate? and what happened there?

 Quien decendia de tiempo en tiempo ahi  y que acontecia ahi?

An angel came down and moved the water and the first person to come to the water was healed

Un angel bajaba y movia el agua y el primero que descendia al agua quedaba sanado 


What happen to Paul as he was heading to Damascus?and how many days did he stay like that?

Que le paso a Pablo cuando iba de camino a Damasco? Y por cuantos dias estuvo asi?

he was blinded becasue of a bright light/3days

se quedo sigo por una luz resplandeciente/3dias


How did the faces of Daniel and his friends appeared compared to the others?

Como parcia la cara de Daniel y sus amigos comparado a los demas?

they appeared better and fatter in flesh

mas mejor y rebustos 


What does a Ball represent?

Que representa la pelota?

talents, gifts, different ways we serve GOD

talentos, dones, differente maneras de servir a Dios.


How many years was this man sick?

Cuantos anos estuvo enfermos este hombre?

38 years/ años


Paul in the book of 2 Timothy 4:7 says that he has fought the what? and Finished what? and what has he kept?

Pablo nos dice en el libro de 2 Timoteo 4:7 que el a peleado que? a acabado que? y a guardado que?

fought the good fight, he has finished the race and kept the faith

a ganado la buena batalla, a acabado la carrera y a guardado la fe.


As for these four young men God gave them wha___ and ____ in all literature and wisdom.

A estos cuatro muchachos Dios les dio ___ y ___ en todas las letras e ciencia.

Knowledge and skills

conocimiento y inteligencia


Lee en 1 Corintios 9: 24

How many take the prize?

cuantos se llevan el premio?

Uno/ One


When Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed ... how quickly did he get healed?

Cuando Jesus le pregunto si queria ser sanado?

que tan rapido fue sanado?


 al instante


Give the verse memorized of 2 Timothy 4:7

Da el versiculo memorizado de 2 Timoteo 4:7

I have fought the Good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith

He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera he guardado la fe.