This “Large Male” locomotive was last restored in May of 2019
What is the Big Boy or 4014
This is the only class 1 railroad to still operate steam locomotives.
What is Union Pacific
This trains runs from Chicago to Seattle along the route James J. Hill helped build.
What is the Empire Builder
This locomotive last overhaul was in 2016 and is an icon for being the last steam locomotive in service
What is the 844
This class 1 railroad has the tracks around the horseshoe curve
What is Norfolk Southern
This “Lone Star” is the longest single route operated by Amtrak
What is the Texas Eagle
This locomotive, currently being restored in Cleveland, was part of the Reading railroad
What is 2100
This railroad’s headquarters is in Texas and is famous for its orange color trains
What is BNSF
This is the fastest train operated in North America
What is the Acela
This locomotive was restored in 2017 and was part of Norfolk and Western at one point, and later part of Norfolk Southern.
What is 611
This railroad has the most northern train station in the US and had a TV show
What is Alaska Railroad
This train is known to be the most luxurious passenger train to run through the Canadian spiral tunnels
What is the Rocky Mountaineer.
This locomotive, currently being overhauled, is more well known as a holiday favorite.
What is 1225
This keystone state regional railroad operates a self-propelled railcar, a steam locomotive, and a tourist train
What is the Reading and Blue Mountain
This train runs during the fall out of West Virginia and consists of private rail cars across the country
What is Autumn color express