What are RNA molecules called when they have catalytic activity?
What is a DNA sequence that the transcription apparatus recognizes and binds to?
Which polymerase is the most sensitive to alpha-amanitin?
RNA polymerase 2
What is Rho?
The inverted repeats are transcribed into RNA, and the U's cause the RNA polymerase to _____.
Bonus: what happens to the inverted repeats in the RNA?
1. pause
2. They fold into a hairpin which destabilizes the DNA-RNA pairing
What is the job of the small nuclear RNA (snRNA)?
1. Processing of pre-mRNA
2. Removal of introns
What determines which of the DNA strands will be used as the template, and also determines the transcription start site?
In prokaryotes, after the DNA polymerase holoenzyme unwinds the DNA and synthesizes a short piece of RNA, what happens to the enzyme?
Sigma factor dissociates
Rut site
What is polycistronic mRNA?
If a template strand is 5' ACTG 3', what would be the 5'-3' sequence of the coding (non-template) strand?
How can genes be transcribed (expressed) with different efficiencies?
Different promotor strengths
In elongation, how does the RNA exist through the channel?
The closing of the flap at the back of the RNA polymerase.
When ___ _________ encounters a terminator sequence, it _____ and rho catches up.
1. RNA polymerase
2. pauses
A looped out region of DNA encodes an _______.
Which strand is complimentary to the mRNA strand?
A holoenzyme is made up of what?
5 subunits made up of the core enzyme + sigma factor
RNA polymerase reaches and transcribes the _________ _________ on template DNA.
Termination sequence
What does rho do to the DNA-RNA hybrid that brings an end to transcription?
1. Uses helicase activity
2. Unwinds
What is this sequence called:
Shine-Dalgarno sequence
The initiation of RNA synthesis does not require a pre-existing ______.
Bonus: What must start the initiation of DNA synthesis from a pre-existing primer
1. Primer
The standard bacterial promotor consists of ___ and ___ consensus sequences.
-10 and -35
What is the job of the core enzyme?
Bonus: what is the job of the sigma factor?
1. Adds nucleotides to the growing RNA chain.
2. Recognizes the promotor sequence in DNA.
What does a rho-independent terminator contain?
An inverted repeat followed by a string of approximately 7-9 adenines.
What are the 3 consensus sequences for intron removal/splicing called?
1. 5' consensus sequence
2. Branch point
3. 3' consensus sequence