Cultural Terms
Nutritional Practices
What you gonna get?
Religious Practices

This term refers to/involves knowing yourself and examining your own values, attitudes, beliefs, and prejudices.

Cultural competence


This Religion dietary law Islamic dietary law outlines foods that are halal: Haram foods include pork and birds of prey, meats not slaughtered in the proper way, blood, and alcohol in any form, and other intoxicating drugs unless medically necessary. During RAMADAN, ill/pregnant patients are exempt from fasting. 


What is Islam? 

BONUS#1: 30 sec_. What does Halal mean/refer to?

BONUS#2: 30 sec_. What does Haram mean/refer to?

Only YOU Leave early 5 min/question


When the patient is ill, the priest is called to give this sacrament. He applies holy oil to the patient’s forehead and hands. This sacrament may also be done after death.

Catholic- see pg 189


Birth Control: This religion group practices abstinence for the unmarried person and natural family planning for married individuals are the ONLY acceptable birth control methods

What is Roman Catholic


Do you know the definition of these?



No-SEE PG 180


This is the ability to engage and communicate with an individual from another culture in a manner that demonstrates respect for their cultural norms and beliefs

Cultural Sensitivity


People following this diet/food pattern have a lower risk of overall mortality, neurodegenerative diseases, overall cancer incidence, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. The United States dietary guidelines promote this diet as a healthy dietary pattern that is palatable and easy to follow. Individuals may use this approach not only for the management of chronic diseases but as a preventive approach as well. 

What is the Mediterranean Diet?


After birth, the baby is bathed immediately and then given to the mother. The father whispers the call to prayer in the infant’s right ear and the iqamah, the second call to prayer, in the infant’s left ear.

What are Muslim Beliefs


This religion abstains from receiving blood and blood products. Procedures, including surgery, can be done if they are bloodless.

What are Jehovah's Witnesses?


Modesty in dress is important, and applies to all.

• The body is washed at the time of prayer, and privacy is required. The process of washing, called Wudu, involves specific action and order.

One’s right hand is viewed as clean, so eating is done with the right hand


see pg 190


This is the belief that one’s own cultural group determines the standards by which other groups’ behavior should be judged



Food is prepared according to specific religious dietary laws during slaughter, processing, and packaging and is then labeled kosher. Kosher rules include no mixing of milk and meat, using separate utensils for milk and meat, not eating any animal not slaughtered according to law, fasting during the Yom Kippur holiday (unless one cannot fast for medical reasons), not eating raised breads during Passover, and saying thanksgiving before and after meals.

What is Judaism?  

300 instructor is a little different : )

Going to the Coroner's office 


this is the  process of an individual or group of people adopting the behaviors and lifestyle habits of a new culture.



• The Sabbath is observed from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday 

• Many are vegetarians and may follow a restricted, therapeutic diet.

Seventh-Day Adventist

see pg 191


This refers to applying certain beliefs and behaviors about a culture to an individual or group without assessing individual needs.



People living in poverty constitute a ???culture. (The focus is day-to-day survival). People living in poverty experience health disparities. How does/can this impact people?


 People in poverty are more vulnerable to illnesses and diseases (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2021). Chronic conditions and disorders affecting them may become worse because they go untreated as a result of a lack of resources. Inadequate access to health care limits their ability to use preventive care services or seek care for acute illnesses

End result=worse health status


The woman is thought to be impure during her menses or after the birth of a child until she has bathed in a pool called a mikvah.

What are Jewish Beleifs

See pg 193


The beard is a sign of holiness, and no blade must touch the skin. Scissors or an electric razor may be used as long as the skin it not touched.

 BONUS (3 items)

What is orthodox Judaism?

BONUS-30 sec. FYI: Kosher law only allows its followers to consume fish with _4___ and ___6___ and restricts the consumption of ___9____ and crustaceans.


Circumcision is a religious ritual performed by a man called a mohel on the eighth day of a boy’s life. It involves the ceremonial removal of the penile foreskin.


see pg 191


This refers to the act of imposing one’s own cultural beliefs, values, and practices on individuals and groups from another culture

Cultural Imposition


Name 1: physical/physiologic/socioeconomic/psychologic factor that influences a person's food choice?

BONUS: YOU leave 10 minutes early (must get at least 1 from at least 2 factor groups)

see pg 237: box 14.1 Factors Influencin Food choices

available food supply/allergies/nutrition literacy/habits


Babies are named by the father. Male children are named 8 days after being born, when circumcision is done. Female babies are usually named

What are Jewish Beliefs?

see pg 193




Everyone Turn to page 194- prepare to read cultural considerations box. We are changing the words from Cultural to Human. 

Last person in rows read 1 each. Start with Precious. I will read the next to last 2. All of you read the last one.