By The Numbers
Oh, The Places You Go
It's All About Community
Know Your AB"C"s
This is where the Transfer Center is located.
What is Building 2?
This place has the Writing and Reading Lab, math tutoring, and TRiO as some of the services they provide.
What is the Learning Center?
This learning community focuses on students who are in their first year in college.
What is FYE?
You will need to meet this person in order to get a student educational plan.
What is a Counselor?
This is where you get your transfer-related information from such as Personal Statement workshops, GE updates, and Campus representatives.
What is the Transfer Center?
This is the minimum GPA you need in order to transfer to a CSU.
What is 2.0?
You go here if you are interested in Math, Engineering, Science, and/or Technology. You might even get an internship through there.
What is MESA?
This learning community allows you to learn about African American culture, the Civil Rights Movement, and African heritage.
What is ASTEP?
You can visit this place to learn more about career exploration, assessment tools such as EUREKA and the MBTI, or research internships.
What is the Career Center?
By applying to this, you are eligible to have guaranteed transfer to all UCs except for UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego.
What is Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG)?
This is the minimum amount of units you must have completed in order to transfer to a CSU or UC.
What is 60?
This website allows you to see what classes are equivalent at a community college to any of the public four-year universities in California.
What is ASSIST?
This community focuses on the Filipino and Filipino-American experience. This word means "countryman" in English.
What is Kababayan?
This college system focuses on a practical, hands-on, and career oriented approach in delivering their education to students.
What is the California State University?
By joining this program, you will be able to sign up for classes that are smaller in size, provide you with opportunities to work with your teachers on service learning projects, join the Transfer Alliance Program with UCLA.
What is the Honors Transfer Program?
This is the minimum amount of General Education units needed to transfer to a CSU.
What is 39 units?
This place has services such as Financial Coaching, Groves Scholars, the Food Pantry, and the English Language Institute.
What is Sparkpoint?
In Spanish, this word means "bridge". At Skyline College, this community bridges students to success focusing on the Latino and Latina experience.
What is Puente?
In order to transfer to the CSU's, you will need to complete the Golden Four - English, Math, and this subject.
What is Communications?
By taking a course in this program, you will be able to earn credits for both Skyline College and SFSU. Most importantly, you will be able to learn about the different resources that SFSU provides. This program is great for those who are interested in transferring there.
What is the Transfer Articulation Bridge (TAB)?
There are only this many Associate Degrees for Transfers at Skyline College.
What is 6?
If you're interested in the Honors Transfer Program, we have a Transfer Alliance Program associated with this UC.
What is UCLA?
This is one of the newest learning communities on campus. The name is actually an acronym for Center for Innovative Practices through Hip Hop Education and Research.
What is CIPHER?
This website allows you to research volunteer opportunities in your community.
What is California Volunteers?
By applying to this, you will be able to receive a degree in your selected major from Skyline College and have guaranteed transfer to a CSU.
What is the Associate Degrees for Transfer?