Kinetic and Potential Examples.
Kinetic Energy
Potential energy
Thermal Energy
Energy Vocabulary

What is the equation for kinetic energy?

KE = ½mv²


Kinetic energy is the energy of (_______)

Kinetic energy is the energy of (motion)


Fill in the blanks: Potential energy is (________) energy based on an object's (________).

Potential energy is (stored) energy based on an object's (position).


Is thermal energy in the category of Kinetic or Potential Energy?

Thermal energy is a form of kinetic energy because it is the movement of the atoms of matter.


The ability to do work or cause changes is...



What type of energy is defined as vibrations of longitudinal waves through matter, and is it a form of kinetic or potential energy?

Sound is a form of kinetic energy because it is vibrations through matter. 


What is the equation for calculating the speed of an object?

speed = distance / time


Height affects potential energy. What else affects potential energy?



Heat transfer through direct contact with something is known as..

Example: touching a cold block of ice

conduction of heat


The basic unit of all matter. It is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.



Which point has the greatest kinetic energy?

Point B would have the greatest kinetic energy


Look at the data on the graph. What does this show us about the relationship between an object's speed / velocity and it's kinetic energy?

The graph shows as speed / velocity increases there is also an increase in the kinetic energy.


As a roller coaster is rolling down the track, it is losing _____ energy and gaining ______ energy.

It is losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy


Heat transfer through fluids like air or water is known as...

steam is an example

convection of heat.


A material that allows heat or electricity to pass through.



Not all energy on a roller coaster ride is converted from potential to kinetic. What are two other forms of energy transformed during a roller coaster ride?

Friction from the wheels and the track converts the kinetic energy to thermal energy. There is also sound energy released.


Now that you know what speed actually means, what is the difference between the words fast and slow in terms of distance and time?

Something moving fast means it travels more distance in a certain unit of time and something slow covers less distance in the same unit of time.


There are two objects sitting on the edge of a counter. What has more PE?

Watermelon with a mass 5kg ? or an apple with a mass 0.25kg 

the watermelon because it has more mass. 

The MORE mass the MORE Potential Energy


Heat transfer through waves in space or atmosphere is known as ...

Example: energy from the sun

radiation of heat


A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily.



What point on the roller coaster has the GREATEST Potential energy and WHY?

Point A because it is the highest


Two vehicles are driving down the road at the same speed of 20m/s. The truck has a mass of 2400kg and the car has a mass of 1200kg. Which vehicle has more kinetic energy?

Bonus: Calculate the Kinetic Energy of each vehicle.

If both vehicles are traveling at the same speed the truck has twice as much kinetic energy due to it having twice the mass. 480KJ and 240KJ


True or False: Point B and D have the same amount of potential energy



What do we call a measure of thermal energy? What is difference between something hot or cold on a molecular level?

Temperature is how we measure thermal energy. When something is hot the atoms move faster and when something is cold the atoms move slower.


Identify the missing details of the Law of Conservation of Energy. Energy (_______) be (______) or (_________)  but can only be transformed from one form to another or transferred from one object to another.

Energy (Cannot) be (Created) or (Destroyed)but can only be transformed from one form to another or transferred from one object to another.