Positive transfer
Negative transfer
Factors Enhancing Positive Transfer
Factors Hindering Transfer
Examples from sport

What is the term for when a previously learned skill helps you learn a new one?

Positive Transfer


What is the term for when a previously learned skill makes it harder to learn a new one?

Negative Transfer


Name one factor that can enhance positive transfer.

Similarity of skills


What’s a common factor that hinders skill transfer between two sports?

Differences in movement patterns


Name a skill that positively transfers from basketball to netball.

Shooting technique


Name a sport where learning tennis first could help you improve your skills in another sport.



Give an example of a negative transfer between soccer and rugby.

Different rules for ball handling and tackling can cause confusion


How does the similarity in movement patterns help in skill transfer between sports?

It creates a smoother transition for the body’s muscle memory.


How do differences in practice environments between sports hinder skill transfer?

They cause difficulty in adapting motor skills to new surroundings.


How does learning tennis negatively transfer to playing badminton?

Different racket swing techniques can cause difficulty adjusting.


How does practicing with similar equipment between two sports contribute to positive transfer?

It helps by creating similar motor patterns and muscle memory.


How might footwork in tennis negatively transfer to learning basketball?

The stance and pivoting movements in tennis might conflict with basketball’s footwork.


What is the benefit of practicing under similar environmental conditions between two sports?

The consistency in practice conditions helps adapt quicker to the new skill.


Explain why conflicting strategies between two sports might hinder skill transfer.

If the decision-making processes are different, it can slow down learning the new skill.


Provide an example of a sport where dribbling skills positively transfer to another sport.

Dribbling in basketball can transfer to dribbling in soccer.


Explain how skills learned in swimming might positively transfer to learning water polo.

Both sports use similar body movements and water techniques.


Describe how different equipment in hockey and baseball could lead to negative transfer.

The way you grip a hockey stick is different from holding a baseball bat, which can cause difficulty when switching sports.


How does early experience in coordination sports (e.g., gymnastics) contribute to learning more complex sports later?

It builds a foundation for body control and spatial awareness.


How can playing a contact sport, such as rugby, hinder the transfer to a non-contact sport like volleyball?

The aggressive physical contact required in rugby is not allowed in volleyball, causing confusion.


Why might a sprinter struggle with learning to swim due to negative transfer?

The movement and muscle control required for sprinting are very different from those needed for swimming.


Give an example of how positive transfer can occur between a cognitive skill in one sport and a different physical skill in another sport.

Strategic thinking in chess can transfer to strategic decision-making in football.


Explain how a player experienced in one type of defense strategy in basketball could struggle when switching to a zone defense strategy.

Man-to-man defense focuses on marking a specific player, whereas zone defense requires marking an area, which might cause confusion.


Explain how cognitive learning strategies, like game analysis in one sport, enhance positive transfer to another sport.

It strengthens the ability to read the game and anticipate moves in a different sport.


Describe how the transfer from a sport played on land to one played on water could be hindered.

The change in physical conditions, like body buoyancy in water vs. gravity on land, affects movement control.


Name a sport that can have both positive and negative transfer when transitioning to skiing and explain why.

Skateboarding: Balance skills can transfer positively, but the body positioning and movements are different, leading to negative transfer.