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Services where the team efforts begin and end. Policies and practices must be flexible enough to respond to individual strengths and needs. Emphasizes the needs and choices of the individual when developing a service plan.

What is Person-Centered Services?


Activities occur in a manner where all involved see value for the person and no single agency policies or procedures are considered the priority.

What is collaboration or agency-neutrality?


 individual’s needs, preferences, skills, and interests 

What is PINS (Preferences, Interests, Needs, Skills)?


A service to assist an individual in selecting an employment goal amongst several options to narrow employment goal to a specific vocational outcome.

What is career exploration?


Individualized, person-centered, comprehensive employment planning and support that provides assistance for individuals to achieve or advance in competitive integrated employment. A focused and time-limited engagement of an individual in identification of a career direction and development of a plan for achieving competitive integrated employment and the supports needed to achieve that employment. Funded by waivers.

What is Career Planning?


The common focus of the collaborative efforts are the meaningful adult life outcomes.

What is outcome focused?


Focus is first put on the person's desired outcomes, then ‘plan back’ from there to the present in order to define a logical sequence of actions providing the person with the instruction and experiences to achieve the outcomes.

What is backward planning?


Three letter abbreviation for assessments that take place in a work environment in the community.

What is CBA (Community Based Assessment)?


A systematic, ongoing process designed to help transition teams understand a person’s vocational preferences and potential. Information is gathered to assist in creating a transition plan and identify needed services for future employment success.

What is Vocational Assessment?


Services that provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where the individual develops general skills that lead to competitive integrated employment such as ability to communicate effectively with supervisors, coworkers, and customers; generally-accepted community workplace conduct and dress; ability to follow directions; ability to attend to tasks; workplace problem-solving skills and strategies; and workplace safety and mobility training. Services are expected to occur over a defined period of time with specific outcomes to be achieved determined by the individual and his or her team.

What is Vocational Habilitation?


Instructional methods and strategies proven through research to be effective to teach specific transition-related skills. The Practices can be used in a variety of settings, such as, classrooms, work sites, community environments, social settings, etc.   The Practices are useful to teach a variety of skills, such as those associated with employment, daily living, communication, academics, job-routines and tasks, independence, and workplace behavior.  

What are evidence-based practices?


Activities, services, and supports that occur during the school years that have been identified through research as being associated with higher rates of success as youth enter adulthood.

What is Evidence Based Predictors?


A written description of services supports and activities to be provided to an individual through the Department of Developmental Disabilities that is intended to be individualized.

What is an ISP (Individual Support Plan)?


Designed to provide transitional youth and adults with work experiences while at the same time developing work skills and work behavior. Provides opportunities for participants to either try multiple jobs within one employer or similar jobs amongst multiple employers.

What is Job Readiness Training or Project SEARCH?


Provision of regularly scheduled activities in a non-residential setting, such as assistance with acquisition, retention, or improvement of self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills that enhance the individual's social development and performance of daily community living. Service is designed to foster the acquisition of skills, build community membership and independence, and expand personal choice. Service enables the individual to attain and maintain his or her maximum potential.

What is Adult Day Support?


Full-time or part-time work in the labor market in which payment is at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by persons who are not disabled.

What is Competitive Employment?


The ability to make choices, solve problems, set goals, evaluate options, take initiative to reach one’s goals, and accept consequences of one’s actions.

What is Self Determination?


The "S" in CMS.

What is "Services"?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


One-on-one instruction to individuals who have been hired by an employer to help individuals learn job tasks, develop natural and peer supports, and to adjust to the work environment.

What is Job Coaching or On-the-Job Supports?


Services and training activities provided in regular business, industry, and community settings for groups of two or more workers with disabilities. Activities that constitute include any combination of the following as necessary and appropriate to meet the community employment goals of the individual: (i) Person-centered employment planning; (ii) Work adjustment; (iii) Job analysis; (iv) Training and systematic instruction; (v) Job coaching; and (vi) Training in independent planning, arranging, and using transportation.

What is "Group employment support"?


Ohio’s executive order that promotes employment as the preferred and priority option for working-age Ohioans with disabilities. 45 states have initiatives similar to Ohio's.

What is Employment First?


The idea that self-determination and the right to take reasonable risks are essential for dignity and self-esteem and so should not be impeded by excessively-cautious caregivers, concerned about their duty of care.

What is dignity of risk? 


The "S" in "ADS"?

What is "Support"?

Adult Day Support


Systematic approach to identifying and contacting potential employers who may or may not have a posted position opening. May include updating the job seeker’s resume, sending out cover letters and resumes to potential employers, providing job leads to the job seeker to follow up on, review of the job seekers interview skills, follow up contacts with employers when applications have been submitted or when a job seeker has an interview, and discussion of hiring incentives and tax credits with the business.

What is Job Development?


Activities that constitute this service include but are not limited to identification and provision of services and supports, utilizing task analysis and systematic instruction that assist the individual in maintaining employment and/or advancing his or her career, training in assistive or other technology utilized by the individual while on the job, other workplace support services including services not specifically related to job skill training that enable the individual to be successful in integrating into the job setting, and personal care and assistance.

What is Individual Employment Supports?