And They Are!
What Are We Doing?
All in the End
Security & Safety
It's All in the Records

Is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of the TAP Center and for compliance with the terms of the contract staff. Managers Personnel and Materials. Serves as the contractor's POC on the installation and works closely with the RM and TSM to Achieve TAP Goals

Who is The Contractor Installation Manager (CIM)


Is self-administered and will take Service members between 10-15 minutes to complete; it can be taken virtually from any location or onsite at TAP locations. Is taken online by the Service member twice during their TAP process.

What is the Enterprise Individualized Self-Assessment (EISA)


Occurs in two stages and should be complete no later than 90 days prior to transition. Provides an opportunity for Service Members to verify the attainment of CRS by the Commander or designee.

What is a Capstone


All TAP Center contractor staff must receive a favorable

What is National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI)


Must be sent within 72-48 hours

What is the Reminder Email


Provides substantive transition and employment assistance services to Clients. Conduct Individualized Initial Counseling with Self-Assessment, Pre-Separation Counseling and Capstone Counseling as well as facilitate all required instructor-led training.

Who is a Transition Counselor (TC)


Includes review of the Initial Self-Assessment that takes place prior to Pre-Separation Counseling. Eligible Service Members will receive an this in person or, if an in-person IC is not feasible, by video conference, regardless of discharge, not later than 366 days prior to release from active duty.

What is the Individualized Initial Counseling


Service members with a post-EISA Capstone score of ___ or lower in a domain subsection will receive pre-populated resource/referral information associated with that specific domain.

What is 2


Is responsible for operating and securing the installation network as well as all servers and personal computers connected to the network.

What is the Network Enterprise Center


Client called in to schedule IIC/PSC. IIS is scheduled for 3 Jan 2023 at 0800. PSC is scheduled for 4 Jan 2023 at 1000. Client has completed self-assessment. Appointment reminder has been emailed to clients civilian email address on file.

What is a proper Introduction Note


Facilitate the financial planning instructor-led training. Conducts individual one-on-one Spending Planning counseling for transitioning Service Members who have completed both the IIC with Self-Assessment and Pre-Separation Counseling.

Who is a Financial Counselor (FinCo)


Is a required CRS and provides eligible Active Component (AC) and Reserve Component (RC) Service Members information on services, benefits, and TAP events regarding transitioning from active duty.

What is the Pre-Separation Counseling


Is conducted if the Client does not meet CRS, have a viable ITP, does not have a post-service housing or transportation plan, does not have adequate peer support, or requires additional assistance and is usually indicated at Capstone.

What is a Warm Handover


Clients are authorized to use __________ solely to facilitate their transition. Clients are not allowed to browse sites or use the computer terminal for purposes unrelated to their transition.

What is TAP Client workstations


CAPSTONE Completed. ITP reviewed and CRS Met. Client plans to stay within the local area and has secured employment. Client has housing and transportation. Commander eForm token sent to *****

What is a CAPSTONE Bold Note


Service Members who leave the Army with 180 or more continuous days of Title 10 Active Duty service.  Retiring Service Members may initiate TAP services 24 months prior to retirement. United States Army Reserve and Army National Guard of the United States  Service Members with Title 10 orders that will result in at least 180 days of continuous Active Duty service outside of training days are also required to receive transition services.

Who is the TAP Client


TAP counselors present standardized information regarding an overview of transition, value of a mentor, family concerns, military and civilian differences, how to cross-walk military experience and training to civilian opportunities, and Financial Counselors will facilitate financial literacy.

What is Army Transition Day


Includes the Commander/designee as the final signature. The Commander/designee signature also finalizes Capstone for the Service Member.

What is the DD Form 2648 (eForm)


The _______ has overall responsibility for safety and security of the facility. The ______ is responsible for developing written procedures designed to maintain a safe and secure working environment for the contract staff and Clients. (clue: two different people)

Who is the TSM and CIM


Should reflect the work conducted each day, including instructor, administrative, meetings and out of office. The walk-in counselor also needs to be identified.

What is the Staff Scheduler 


Role in the TAP process includes providing direct support to the TAP contractor at multiple junctures, such as identification and notification of eligible TAP Service Members and their Commanders and Commanders’ designees, during TAP course delivery, and at Capstone.

Who is the Transition Service Manager (TSM)


Is a CRS requirement for Active Component  Service Members which allows them to learn the benefits of transitioning to the Reserve Component .

What is Continuum of Military Service Counseling


Enables Service Members leaving active duty to demonstrate they have completed all actions required by regulation, including receiving all legally mandated TAP services.

What is Installation Clearance 


The contractor establishes and implements methods of making sure all keys/key cards issued to the contractor by the government are not lost or misplaced. Unauthorized persons cannot use keys and keys cannot be duplicated.

What is Key Control


Staff are to conduct _______IAW program guidance to ensure all TAP XXI data and information are entered timely and accurately (i.e., notes, benchmarks, events)

What are QC Checks