Name one difference between 4th and 5th grade
Different teachers for each subject, different lunch/recess time, different specials time, use of lockers outside of the classroom, using locks for lockers, more opportunities for extracurricular activities
Is there Friday Fun in 5th grade?
No-- there is no Friday Fun, anymore. You do continue to have recess, though! :o)
Will Mr. Perry be your art teacher in 5th grade?
Name the BEST thing that will help you stay organized as a 5th grade student.
Name one similarity between 4th and 5th grade
Same teachers for specials, same length of school day, still have one class/group of students throughout the day
You need to buy a lock for your locker this summer to use in 5th grade.
False. We provide the lock for you and you will get your combination and lock the 1st day of school in 5th grade.
Mr. Okafor is the principal for 5th graders. True/False?
FALSE! *Mr. Zwahlen is the principal and Mr. Okafor is one of the school counselors.
Is there a snack time in 5th grade?
No. It will be important to eat a healthy breakfast every morning so that you will be able to wait until lunch to eat.
How many different academic classes do you travel to throughout the day? (not counting specials?)
4 (ELA, social studies, science, and math)
You will have a different group of students in each of your classes in 5th grade.
False. You will have one class that you will travel with to each of your classes.
Name two teachers who teach both 4th and 5th grade classes
Mr. Perry, Mrs. Pietro, Mr. Bottazzo, Mr. Lancy, Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Okafor, Mrs. Bohnel, Mrs. Barlette, Mrs. McNulty, etc.
When do 5th graders eat lunch and have recess? What time?
Does everyone have ELA in the morning?
No... you can have AM or PM ELA.
You will be able to go to your locker whenever you want throughout the day to get materials.
False! You will learn (after the first couple weeks) what you need to take to each of your classes. You will not be able to go to your locker and get a notebook that you forgot after math has begun, for example.
Name two of the three ELA teachers for 5th grade.
Mrs. Berbert, Mrs. Castellano, Mrs. Riesenberger, and Mrs. Drago-Leaf
What is ELA?
ELA (readers and writers workshop and word study)