High School Pathways
Potpourri/Anything Goes

Supports those with disabilities to find and apply for employment and provide career development

What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Student works towards a high school diploma in this pathway/Student desires to attend a community college or a 4 year university. 

What is Future-Ready Core Pathway?



What is Free Appropriate Public Education?


This is used to convert speech to text and can be used on individual laptops or smartphones/Can also be displayed on large monitors for use by an entire class or during a conference.

What is CART(Communication Access Realtime Translation)?


Inductive loop systems, FM systems, and Infrared systems

What are Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)


Assists in achieving equal access, reasonable accommodations and effective communication within the community.

What is Division of Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH)?


A student's disability impacts the ability to obtain a high school diploma, therefore the student works toward a certificate of completion in this pathway.

What is Extensions Pathway?


Parents should receive this after a proposed change has been discussed together by the team at an IEP meeting and before any changes are made. 

What is a Prior Written Notice?


Designed to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities and ensure an equal opportunity to work/Also requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for the known disability of a qualified applicant or employee.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?


Online resource offering a wide variety of resources to assist students, professionals, schools, and families in identifying and working on post-high school goals.

What is the National Deaf Center (on Postsecondary Outcomes)?


Provides graduation requirements, scholarship and internship information, and college entrance exam information.

What/Who are school counselors?


Student works towards high school diploma to enter the workforce/Student desires to attend community college or trade school.

What is Future-Ready Occupational Pathway?


The document that is included in the IEP where the team must consider opportunities for direct communication for a child with hearing loss.

What is the Communication Plan Worksheet?


Best seating arrangements, face-face conversation, getting attention prior to instructions, avoiding areas with background noise, use of AT and/or ALD's, volume controlled phones, information in writing

What are employment accommodations?


A legal relationship in which a person/guardian is appointed by the court to make decisions and act on behalf of a person who does not have adequate capacity to make such decisions involving the management of personal affairs, property, or both.

What is Guardianship?


Assists college students in establishing accommodations they need to access their education.

What is The College Office of Disability Services?


This pathway meets the needs of a small number of students with the most significant cognitive abilities and is also called an "adaptive curriculum". 

What is Extensions Pathway?


On the IEP, these are based upon age appropriate transition assessments as described in the present level of academic and functional performance.

What are Postsecondary Goals and Supports?


Vibrating alarm clocks, visual smoke alarms, weather alert systems

What are housing/dorm accommodations?


This is created with the VR counselor to help the student reach their vocational goals.

What is an IPE (Individualized Plan for Employment)?