If you need more help with a class you are finding difficult, what can you do?
Attend extra-help after school with your teacher.
How many years of English do I have to take in high school?
4 - one for each year of high school
Who is your new high school principal?
Dr. Gitz
Name two clubs that are offered at the high school.
*See Club List
You can graduate high school with more than 22 credits.
True! Many students graduate with well over 22 credits by taking on more classes.
Who should you speak to if you want to discuss your class schedule?
Your school counselor.
What is the minimum required amount of credits I need in order to graduate high school?
22 credits
How many Assistant Principals are there at South High?
2! Mrs. Applebaum & Mr. Duggan
Name 3 sports that you can try out for in high school?
*See list of sports
There is no one to help you find your classes if you get lost.
False! Any adult in the building can help you find your way and even other students.
If you witness bullying or are being bullied, what should you do?
Report it to a trusted adult. (i.e.: parents, teachers, school counselor, principal, Asst. principals, deans, coach etc.)
In high school you have to take 2 credits of Physical Education. How many years of PE is that?
4 years! Because PE is a 1/2 credit each year of high school.
1/2 x 4 = 2 credits
How many periods do you have in your schedule?
9 periods - but don't worry one of them is for lunch!
This club works with South Middle students and South High students by giving high school students the opportunity to tutor middle school students in all subject areas.
Academic Outreach Club
Every grade you earn in high school is important because the colleges you will apply to see ALL of your final grades.
True - College will ask your high school for your transcript which shows your average in each class you took and Regents exam scores.
Where should you go if you are having trouble with your locker?
Mr. Duggan's (the Asst. Principal) office.
How many Regents exams am I required to take in high school?
English, Global History, U.S. History, Algebra & Science
What does AP class stand for?
Advanced Placement.
Can joining clubs help me gain volunteer opportunities?
Yes - many clubs in school provide students with volunteer opportunities and some are specifically geared toward it. It is important to volunteer some of your free time to you school and community. Plus, it looks great for college!
Each subject has a specific day for after school extra-help.
Monday: World Languages
Tuesday: English
Wednesday: Math
Thursday: Science and Social Studies
How can you find out ahead of time what you will be learning in each of your classes?
You can refer to the South High Course Handbook (which can be found on the school's website) that describes each class you are taking as well as ALL classes that are offered at the high school for grades 9-12.
How do you earn an Advanced Regents Diploma?
You need to take 8 Regents exams and 1 Foreign Language exam. They are as follows:
English, Math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2), Global History, US History, Science (One physical and one life science) & Language other than English.
GPA stands for?
Grade Point Average
How many clubs and sports am I allowed to join?
As many as you like. There are some limitations depending on your grade level. But also be mindful not to overload and overwhelm yourself since it is your first year of high school. Start slow and take on more as you get the hang of balancing your academics with your activities.
I can earn credits for college in high school.
True - you can take certain classes that earn you college credit during high school. For example, taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course and passing the exam can potentially earn you college credit.