Mindy works at a preschool. Mindy’s job is to make sure the children play nicely while in the gym. She watches them play. There are candy skittles on the floor. Mindy makes sure to clean it up.
Is this expected or unexpected behavior?
Expected Behavior
Name two things you should do before an interview.
You should take care of your hygiene,
turn off your phone,
practice with a partner,
find out where the interview is
What can you do when you're angry to calm down?
Excuse yourself from the situation, take deep breaths, count to ten, squeeze a stress ball,
When you have a problem, you need to find a ______________________ to your problem.
What is the "solution"?
This is what you need to do when you can't find something you need for your job or you don't understand the directions.
What is "Ask for help".
Tim works in the kitchen of a restaurant. His shoe is untied and the lace breaks. He lets his shoe flop around when he walks back and forth in the kitchen.
Is this expected or unexpected behavior?
Unexpected...he needs to stop and fix his shoes so he doesn't trip or have an accident.
What do you say when the interviewer ask you to
"tell me about your strengths"
What is "tell them what I do well".
You really wanted to help fold fliers, but instead, you were asked to hole punch paper. You don’t like doing this job. How does this make you feel?
frustrated, angry, annoyed, bored
You are working in a restaurant and need to put gloves on to be safe. You need medium gloves to fit your hand. The only gloves available are extra-large.
What is the problem?
What is
" I can't find a pair of gloves in my size."
This is the person from who you can ask for help.
Who is a "supervisor"
Holly is asked by her boss to wash dishes. It is her least favorite job at her job at Chili's. She says, “fine”, crosses her arms, and rolls her eyes. Saying out loud” this job is awful.”
Is this expected or unexpected behavior?
Unexpected... she is being rude and acting unprofessionally.
Tyler has an interview at a pizza place. He will be folding boxes and stocking the supplies for the pizzas. What should he wear to his interview?
What is "He should wear a shirt with a collar and dress pants or khaki's".
You were up late last night watching a movie with your family. This morning you are very tired and can't seem to get motivated to complete your work. Name a strategy you might use to help wake up and be more energetic.
"Drink water, go for a walk, go to the bathroom and splash cold water on your face (and then dry it), do some stretches in my spot"
While working at a restaurant, you cannot find clean towels to wipe the counters.
What is the problem?
What is
"I can't find any clean towels to do my job."
You are working in a restaurant and you spill a bucket of water. You can’t find the mop. You need the mop to clean up the spill. What would you say to your supervisor?
What is
"Can you help me find the mop, please?"
You are eating lunch on your break in the breakroom. You spill milk on the floor. You immediately go to clean it up. There is carpet in the breakroom. You tell your supervisor what happened.
Is this expected or unexpected behavior?
Expected...you quickly cleaned up your mess and told your supervisor so she can help you with the mess on the carpet.
What should you always bring to your interview to share with the person who is doing the interview?
What is a resume.
Your supervisor called you into her office to complement you on your work performance. They are very happy with the way you have been doing your job. How would you feel after after hearing this news?
happy and proud
You pack your lunch every day for work. People at work take your soda from the refrigerator even though your name is on them.
What is the problem?
What is
"Someone is taking mu soda and I don't have a drink for lunch."
A coworker asks to borrow your stapler from your desk and has kept it for days. You need it for your job. Role-play how you would advocate for your needs.
What is
I would walk over to my coworker and ask for my stapler back. I could say "Excuse me. Are you finished with the stapler? May I have it back?"
Stacey and her co-workers are joking around laughing at work for a minute. Stacey keeps touching her coworker being silly and laughing when everyone else is back to work.
Is this expected or unexpected behavior?
Unexpected...the fun is over and it is time to get back to work and be professional.
What should you talk about when the person who is interviewing you says "tell me about yourself?"
My name, where I went to high school, what I am doing currently, and some of my job experiences.
A supervisor has asked you to wipe the tables again. This means you did not do the job correctly the first time. How does this make you feel and why?
frustrated, worried, mad, angry ?
You are asked to wipe the table after lunch. You found the towel but can’t find the cleaning solution you are to spray on the tables and your supervisor is busy with another coworker.
What are the two problems you have?
What are
I can't find the cleaning spray
my supervisor is busy with someone else and can't help me right now.
You are in charge of putting the dishes into the dishwasher. You have put all of the dishes into the dishwasher and are ready to add the soap. When you find the dishwashing soap, the bottle is empty. What do you say to your supervisor?
What is
"I need a new bottle of dishwashing soap because this one is empty. Can you help me find it, please?"