Stages of Life
Would this be considered a transitional period of time and why?
Theories of Aging
Famous Developmental Theorists
Men Vs Women (give two examples)

What stage of Jean Piaget's cognitive development focuses on learning through sense and actions?

Sensorimotor stage 


Moving out of your parents' house for the first time?

Transitional period, increased independence and maturity. 


This theory suggests that individuals withdraw from social roles as they age?

The Disengagement theory 


This theorist believes that humans specifically children, progress through 4 stages of cognitive development.

Jean Piaget 


What biological milestones commonly mark transitional years for women?

Menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, physical and emotional changes.


In the transition of the Anishinabe, the Cree, and many first nations people, how many stages of life are there? And how long do they last?

There are 7 stages each lasting 7 years


Starting a new hobby 

Not considered a transitional period of time, no major shift in idenitity, responsibilities or roles. 


This biological theory claims aging is caused by accumulates damage from unstable molecules.

The free radical theory 


This theorist suggested that individuals start to reflect on their lives during in midlife.

Daniel Levinson


How do societal expectations differ from women compared to men during transitional years?

women are expected to prioritize family roles and balance a career 

men are expected to just focused on their career and financial stability 


In the Anishinabe life cycle, the stage involbes sharing knowledge as an elder.

Elder Life 


switching from full time work to part time as you approach retirement

is considered a transitional period of life --> key life transition where individuals prepare for a new stage of life, adjusting roles and expectations 


What theory is the most recent?

Social Construction Theory 


This psychoanalyst argues personality is formed in childhood but develops into adulthood.

Sigmund Freud 


Why might women experience transitional years more emotionally then men

societal pressures, multitasking roles, menopause, adapting to kids leaving home

At what stage do individuals focus on clarifying their life goals according to Charlotte Buhler?

ages 15-25


Turning 50 and celebrating your birthday with no life changes. 

not a transitional period of time. Turning a different age with no meaningful and significant life changes does not count as a transitional period.


This theory rejects age defined stages and emphasizes cultural and environmental factors .

Theory of random change 


What female developmental theorist believed that the lives of individuals parallel their biological development?

Charlotte Buhler


What age do women and men typically experience major life transitions?

Women: earlier transitions 20-30, later transitions 40-50

men: 40's -60's


This stage of Jean Piaget's theory introduces abstract and hypothetical thinking.

Formal operational stage 


Reassessing your career goals during midlife and choosing to go back to school.

This is a transitional period of time, involves a major shify in focus, responsibilities and personal identity. 


According to this theory, aging is controlled by a biological clock that uses hormones to regulate changes. 

The Endocrine Theory


This psychologist rejected the idea of age defined stages and suggest that indivuals change over time in response to biological, cultural, psychological and environmental factors.

Klaus Riegel


Why are women more likely to face transitions like widowhood or caregiving later in life?

Women typically live longer than men