Society Transitions
Coping Skills
Guess the Language
Family/Relationship Transitions
Personal Transitions

Society transitions have to do with what?

Society/ the world around us


What is a coping skill?

Coping skills are strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions.





Family and relationship transitions have to do with what?

Your family and people you have relationships with


Personal transitions have to do with what?

Personal occurrences/ your own life


What is a transition we go through in America every 4-8 years?

A new president 


Are all coping skills healthy?

No. Some coping skills are unhealthy.





A normal transition for a boyfriend and girlfriend is to become what?

More committed/ engaged to be married


What is a personal transition that you can not avoid?

Getting older.


Are all changes in society expected?

No. Sometimes events like 9/11 or the pandemic happen without anyone planning for it but they still impact the whole world or society around us.


Name a coping skill that you use when you are not at program.

  1. Take a mental health day 
  2. Play calming music 
  3. Watch a fun movie
  4. Call a friend or loved one 
  5. Go for a jog
  6. Go bird watching
  7. Visit a museum 
  8. Clean your room
  9. Write down your thoughts 
  10. Identify anxiety triggers and develop a plan to avoid them 
  11. Touch several different textures and fabrics to ground yourself 




Will everyone in a relationship or family deal with the same transition in the same way?

No. People have different coping skills and feelings because everyone is different. They can go through the same changes but react very differently. That is normal and it is okay.


Define these two types of personal transitions: anticipated changes and unanticipated changes.

Anticipated changes are changes that you plan for like applying for a new job or moving into a group home or apartment. 

Unanticipated changes are changes that you do not plan for like sudden death or illness.


Do all society transitions happen quickly?

No. Some transitions in society happen quickly but some changes can take years or decades to happen, like global warming.


Everyone go around the room and name one healthy coping skill.

  1. Meditate or practice mindfulness 
  2. Go for a walk
  3. Use the 3-3-3 rule
  4. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths 
  5. Use a fidget ball 
  6. Do something productive
  7. Start a journal 
  8. Draw or doodle (even if you can only draw stick figures!)
  9. Slowly count to 10
  10. Practice yoga




Is it normal to transition out of relationships as life goes on?

Yes. People change and life changes. You might stay friends with someone for your whole entire life but you might also exit out of friendships. Both are normal.


Can personal changes impact the people around you?

Yes. Just because something is only happening to you does not mean that the people around you do not notice it or are not affected by it, especially the people close to us.


TRUE OR FALSE: All transitions that happen in society happen naturally.

False. Some changes are brought about by humans. These changes can be positive or negative, for example, a negative society transition would be global warming while a positive society transition would be the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which created laws and rights for people with disabilities. Global warming is harming the planet while the ADA makes society more inclusive.


Sort these coping skills into healthy or unhealthy: overeating, exercising, talking to your parents, running away, hitting, deep breathing, yoga, meditation, fighting, stealing.

Healthy: exercising, talking to your parents, deep breathing, yoga, meditation.

Unhealthy: overeating, running away, hitting, fighting, stealing. 





What is a normal family or relationship transition?

Your loved ones getting older, family members having children or getting married or dying, meeting new friends, losing friends, getting into new romantic relationships, ending romantic relationships.


Name a personal transition.

Getting older, moving, starting a new job, getting older, acquiring an illness, dying.