Adding Information
Showing a Contrast
Showing an Unexpected Result
Showing Cause and Effect

We have seen the movie twice, _____ now we want to see it again. 

A. however 

B. consequently

C. and 

D. even though

C. and


Bill earned an A on his essay, ____ Susan got a B. 

A. consequently 

B. otherwise 

C. because 

D. but

D. but


He knows that he should do his homework, ____ he never does it. 

A. still 

B. yet 

C. and 

D. even so

B. yet


Janet passed her exam, ___ she is very happy. 

A. but 

B. so 

C. because

D. and

B. so


John reacts badly to flowers. _____________, whenever he goes anywhere near roses, his nose starts to run, his eyes water, and he sneezes uncontrollably. 

A ) However 

B ) For example 

C ) Furthermore 

D ) In conclusion

B. For example, 


We saw a movie, ______ we also had a delicious dinner. 

A. but 

B. and 

C. however 

D. furthermore

B. and


We wanted to leave at 8:00. ______, Mike arrived too late. 

A. Instead

 B. Meanwhile

 C. Despite the fact 

D. However

D. However


There are many benefits to exercising. ____, you must take some precautions to avoid injury. 

A. And

 B. However 

C. But 

D. Because

B. However


Tim was late. ______, we could not go to the concert. 

A. So 

B. And 

C. As a result 

D. Because

C. As a result


Mary eats several servings of fruits and vegetables every day. ___________, Susan survives mostly on junk food. 

A ) As a result 

B ) Moreover 

C ) For instance 

D ) In contrast

D. In contrast


My friend speaks Korean and English. She ____ speaks Chinese. 

A. however 

B. consequently 

C. in addition 

D. also

D. also


She hates housecleaning. ________, she doesn't mind cooking. 

A. Also 

B. On the other hand

 C. Moreover 

D. Instead

B. On the other hand


_____ Kate's skill at tennis, she lost the match.

A. Because 

B. Although 

C. Even so 

D. Despite

D. Despite


The committee voted against the proposal. ____, we must consider another idea. 

A. And 

B. However

C. Thus 

D. Now

C. Thus


Mary doesn't have a car. _____________, she has to take the bus.

 A ) In addition

 B ) In conclusion 

C ) Therefore 

D ) Nevertheless

C. Therefore


Cheating is dishonest. _____, it hinders students from learning. 

A. However 

B. Also 

C. Moreover 

D. But

C. Moreover


Students should attend class. ______, they may lose their status. 

A. Otherwise 

B. On the other hand 

C. Even so 

D. As a consequence

A. Otherwise


_____, in the summer of 2006, western Europe experienced some of the hottest weather on record. 

A. For example 

B. Unfortunately 

C. Moreover 

D. But

B. Unfortunately


Tina lost her keys. _______, she could not drive home. 

A. However

B. Consequently

C. And 

D. But

B. Consequently


Forgetting her bathing suit wasn't the only bad thing that happened to Mary today. _____________, she forgot her bus pass and had to pay for the fare with her lunch money.

 A ) In addition 

B ) As a result 

C ) However 

D ) For example

A. In addition


You must complete this essay by 5 p.m. ______, you must do the exercises on page 47.

 A. But 

B. However 

C. For example 

D. In addition

D. In addition


I am not going out tonight. _____, I will stay home and watch a video. 

A. Instead 

B. However 

C. For example 

D. For instance

A. Instead


______ the book is difficult to read, it is very interesting. 

A. Although 

B. For example 

C. Moreover 

D. Because

A. Although


I forgot that the cake was in the oven. ________, it burned. 

A. So 

B. And 

C. In conclusion 

D. As a consequence

D. As a consequence


Fast food restaurants must now post how many calories each food item, such as French fries or burgers, has. _____________, fewer people may be eating fast food in the future. 

A ) Consequently 

B ) Otherwise 

C ) On the other hand 

D ) Nevertheless

A. Consequently