They "fall" off of something during this time of year
How many seasons are there?
What is 4?
This fruit is used to make cider
I am the color of grass
People watch this sport. Players run or pass a ball down a field
In the USA, what month does Fall start in?
What are the 4 seasons?
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Dessert that is made with apples or pumpkins, is baked, and has a crust
I am the color of snow
Sport that Amie's children play. It has a World's Series in October.
Another name for Fall
What is Autumn?
What is the season before Fall?
Cocoa or Hot Chocolate
I am the color of a pumpkin
An activity people like to go to where you can get lost and then find your way out. It is usually in a field of corn.
A corn maze
In the fall, you turn the __________back an hour.
What are clocks?
What is the season after Fall?
People make this around a fire. It has marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers.
I am the most common color of apples
People ride in a wagon with hay, pulled by a tractor or horses
A hay ride
In Australia, what month does fall start in?
What is March?
Do the days get longer or shorter in the Fall?
This food has an apple with a stick in it and is covered in candy
I am the color of chocolate
People over 18 do this in November on Election day.