To run
I run in the park
Yo corro en el parque
I look for my dog
Yo busco mi perro.
I live in the United States.
Yo vivo en los Estados Unidos.
I don't like to run
No me gusta correr
To study
He reads a book.
El lee un libro
She speaks Spanish
Ella habla español.
The dog lives in the house.
El perro vive en la casa
I like to learn
Me gusta aprender
To play
I am 20 years old. (tener)
Yo tengo 20 años
She paints the house.
Ella pinta la casa.
She lives in Columbus
I don't like to play soccer.
No me gusta jugar futbol.
To draw
I have two grandmas and a brother.
Yo tengo dos abuelas y un hermano.
I drive a motorcycle.
Yo manejo una moto.
Yo escribo libros.
I like to drive my car.
Me gusta manejar mi carro.
To look/ search
I am Grammy. I read 5 books every week
Yo soy Grammy. Yo leo 5 libros cada semana.
My cousin draws trees and owls.
Yo dibuja arboles y lechuzas.
She writes poems every day.
I like to speak Spanish and English
me gusta hablar español y ingles.