Define transport in plants
The conduction of food, water and minerals to all parts of the plant
The loss of water from the aerial parts of the plant
Define translocation of solutes
When starch is converted to sucrose and conducted to the growing parts of the plant
here are the rules of this great game of doom-
No speaking out of turn
Thou must be smart
Thou must pass
The game will be played in pairs
The winner gets a prize
Good luck (not at all)
Define capillary force
The force that causes cohesion of water and make them stick to the sides of the xylem
i- osmosis
ii- diffusion
iii- active transport
i- Movement of water from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution across a semi-permeable membrane
ii- Movement of molecules from their higher concentration to lower concentration
iii- Movement of molecules from their lower to higher concentration requiring energy
Compare the xylem and phloem
Conducts water and mineral
Cells are dead
Unidirectional conduction
Transport of food
Cells are living
Bidirectional conduction
Answer the following
i- Transportation is carried out by ____ system
ii- Tracheids are elongated ____ cells
iii- True or false- Water absorption occurs through root hairs
i- conducting
ii- dead
iii- true
State and explain the property of the cell membrane in the root hair that allows the movement of the water molecule.
The cell membrane is selectively permeable.
This means that the membrane can only accept certain molecules of certain substances.
Transpiration is _____ when wind is not blowing
Name 1 micro and macro nutrient each and state it's role and deficiency symptoms
N- Constituent of a all proteins-Yellow leaves
P- Constituent of the cell membrane-Purple and red spots
K- Opening and closing of stomata- Poor growth
Fe- Constituent of proteins- Yellow leaves
Mn- Constituent of enzymes- Yellow leaves
Zn- Constituent of plant hormones- Yellow leaves
Draw the root hairs
Name the used of water in plants
Food production
Factors affecting transpiration
Match the following
Phloem parenchyma Cylindrical cells devoid of a nucleus
Tracheids Tubular cells forming channels
Xylem vessels Cells attached to sieve tubes
Sieve tubes Elongated dead cells
Comp cells Cells storing food
Phloem parenchyma- cells storing food
Tracheids-Elongated dead cells
Xylem vessels-Tubular cells forming long channels
Sieve tubes-Cylindrical cells devoid of a nucleus
Comp cells-Cells attached to sieve tubes
Explain an experiment to study osmosis using raisins and grapes
Take 2 bowls with raisins and grapes individually
Pour water in both bowl
Add sugar to the grapes and leave the bowls for 2 hours
You will see that the raisins have swollen up due to endosmosis and the grapes have shrunk due to exosmosis
Name the specialties of root hairs
Large surface area
Higher sap concentration
Cell wall is freely permeable
Difference between diffusion, osmosis and active transport
Diffusion- Solvent , gaseous molecules
No energy
Movement of water from high to low conc.
Osmosis- Solvent molecules
No energy
High to low conc. of water
Active transport- Solute
Low to high conc.
Energy is required
Importance of transpiration
Maintains the sap conc of the body
Describe an experiment to study the factors affecting the rate of transpiration.
Leave 2 potted plants of the same type with an equal no. of leaves. Leave 1 undisturbed and the on the other, apply vaseline.
Leave both in the same place in sunlight for 4-5 hours.
The plant with vaseline will wilt because it does not allow gaseous exchange and water transport to take place
Functions of the xylem
Transportation of water and minerals from the root to the aerial parts of the plant
Functions of phloem
Phloem transports food to all parts of the plant
Helps in food storage
Explain ascent of sap
The water is absorbed by the root hairs from the soil.
It then moves to the inner cells of the root by diffusion to reach the xylem which continues upwards into the stem and leaves.
Define translocation of solutes
The process by which, food substances in the form of sucrose are transporting across the plant body
State the phenomenon that is very important in tall trees where an upward conduction of water takes place up to a height of 100 m or more.
Transpirational pull