This program is known as "the first stop shop" when a call is received
Call Center
A friend or family member can receive this for driving Partnership members to their medical appointments
Gas Mileage Reimbursement (GMR)
A "TP" is responsible for getting members to their medical appointments
Transportation Provider
A member can appoint someone to speak and act on their behalf by completing this document
Authorized Representative (AR) form
This department is who you would call for a Medslite check
Member Services (MS)
To receive Partnership benefits, the Medi-Cal recipient must reside in one of the [number] contracted counties
This category of transportation includes taxi, public transportation, and Lyft for ambulatory members
Non-medical transportation (NMT)
***DAILY DOUBLE: Wager points (min. 10 points). You must get BOTH answers correct to win double the category points (400). If you don't answer correctly, you lose the points you bet.***
"AQs" are used to determine the "LOS" a member uses to get to their medical appointments
Assessment Questions; Level of Service
This is when Verbal Consent expires
The end of the following business day
You can find Transportation Services' desktops, forms, and policies on this application
These two pieces of information must be verified with non-provider callers on every call
Address and phone number
This benefit is accessed by calling 911 during a medical emergency and is no-cost to the member
Emergency Medical Transportation (EMT)
"PCP" is this type of medical provider that practices general medicine and care
Primary Care Provider (Physician)
***DAILY DOUBLE: Wager points (min. 10 points). You must get ALL answers correct to win double the category points (600). If you don't answer correctly, you lose the points you bet.***
Before releasing information to a caller, the minimum number of identity verifiers are required for:
1. Member
2. Non-member
3. Provider
1. Three
2. Three
3. Four
This contracted organization provides mild-to-moderate mental health benefits for Partnership members
Carelon (formerly known as Beacon)
If a member moves to a non-contracted county, Partnership will cover their benefits for up to [duration] to allow time for their benefits to transition to their new home county
This benefit covers meals, lodging, flights, and more for qualifying members
Travel Related Expenses (TRE)
An "AR" is someone who can speak and make medical decisions on behalf of the member through appropriate documentation
Authorized Representative
Minor Consent Services
These are used to stop incoming calls on your phone when necessary
Not Ready Codes
This eligibility status restricts member to services related to substance use disorder only
Wellness Wellness (Wellness0001, W&R)
"NEMT" is the mode of transportation used by members who need door-to-door assistance or a larger vehicle for medical equipment
Non-emergency medical transportation
Minors (0-17)
Children (under 21 years old) with complex medical conditions can access additional resources through this program
California Children's Services (CCS)