Context Clues
Subordinate Conjunctions
Could Be Anything

Read the following sentence and determine the meaning of the bolded word using context clues or your prior knowledge.

faint: I thought that I heard a faint scratching noise, but I figured that it might just be in my head.

Light, soft, quiet, or gentle


Abigail laughed when the puppy chased its tail.

What is the subordinate conjunction in this sentence?



What does Garfield Realize in the last frame?

His tail is the snake.


The woodcutter just watched (them, they).

Which pronoun completes this sentence?



Read the following conversation then answer the question.

A: Look at the long line! Do you think we’ll get in?

B: I think so. Some of these people already have tickets.

A: How much are the tickets?

B: Only nine dollars for the first show. I’ll pay.

A: Thanks. I’ll buy the popcorn.

Where are these people and what detail makes you think that?

The movie theater because it talks about tickets and popcorn.


Read the following sentence and determine the meaning of the bolded word using context clues or your prior knowledge.

brisk: Jamie had a hard time keeping up with her mom, who was walking at a very brisk pace.

Quick, fast, swift, or rapid


Because it began to rain, the game was called off.

Does this sentence contain a subordinate conjunction? If yes, what is the subordinate conjunction?


Read the following sentence, then circle the answer choice that is a logical inference based on the information.

Although sheepherding is an older and more beloved occupation, shepherds never caught the attention of American filmmakers the way cowboys did.

(A) There have been more American films about cowboys than about shepherds.

(B) Films about shepherds were popular before films about cowboys.

(C) Cowboys are generally younger than shepherds.



The woodcutter’s wife asked him to go to the woods.

What is the pronoun in this sentence?



Grandpa didn’t know that Suzie was coming along on the fishing trip, and now he had to alter his plans.

What does the word alter mean?

Alter means to change.


Read the following sentence and determine the meaning of the bolded word using context clues or your prior knowledge.

unrestrained: Now that the whales had escaped, they could swim freely and roam the ocean unrestrained.

Free, loose, uncaged, or untied


James picked the dinner, and Sam picked the dessert.

Does this sentence contain a subordinate conjunction? If yes, what is the subordinate conjunction?

No, this sentence does not contain a subordinate conjunction.


Read the following sentence, then circle the answer choice that is a logical inference based on the information.

Even spiders that do not build webs from silk use it for a variety of purposes, such as constructing egg sacs and nursery tents.

(A) All spiders build webs.

(B) Spiders that build webs don’t build egg sacs or nursery tents.

(C) Silk is used by all spiders.



It is inside the pocket of the black backpack.

What is the pronoun in this sentence?



Here's a question about Text Structure. Does anyone remember Text Structure?

Streams face many problems. During storms, chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, and oil can wash into streams. Dirt and debris from construction sites and bare ground cause problems too. But there is a solution. A buffer zone, or an area of trees and shrubs along a waterway, can dramatically improve water quality.

What is the structure of this text?

A. Compare and Contrast

B. Sequence

C. Problem and Solution

D. Cause and Effect

B. Problem and Solution


Read the following sentence and determine the meaning of the bolded word using context clues or your prior knowledge.

sulk: Mom said that your timeout is done, Dominick. You can come out and play now. You don't have to keep sulking in your room.

Pout, angry, grumpy, or grouchy


Look at the following sentence fragments. Use the subordinate conjunction WHEN to create a complex sentence.

it was late         John came home

When John came home, it was late.


It was late when John came home.


Mrs. Lance is my favorite teacher, but something is not right today. Mrs. Lance is sitting down at her desk more than usual, asking us to read a story silently and just answer the questions in the book. I glance back at her, and she is blowing her nose. A little while later, I see that her cheeks are red, and she is drinking a lot of water and eating some cough drops. After a little while, Mr. Dean, another teacher, comes into our classroom. Mrs. Lance takes her purse and leaves while Mr. Dean stays.

Where did Mrs. Lance go when she left?

She went home because she is sick.


Calculus is too hard for some.

What is the indefinite pronoun in this sentence?


Does anyone remember open and closed syllables and syllabication? I hope so because this question deals with them!

Please take the word DISRESPECTFUL and break it apart into its syllables and tell me how many open and closed syllables are in the word.

There are 3 closed syllables and 1 open syllable.


Read the following sentence and determine the meaning of the bolded word using context clues or your prior knowledge.

tranquil: Jack likes to sit on the edge of the pier when the wind is calm and the water is tranquil.

Quiet, calm, peaceful, or still


Look at the following sentence fragments. Use the subordinate conjunction IF to create a complex sentence.

you want to come to my house         

it’s all right with my mother

If you want to come to my house, it's all right with my mother.


It's all right with my mother if you want to come to my house.


My dog Jack is very friendly and likes to be around people. Yesterday, our neighbors were having a party, and we all went over to cook out and swim at their house. We could hear Jack barking loudly from our backyard. After a little while, he got quiet, so we thought he had finally calmed down. But, several minutes later, all the adults start laughing, and I see a black blur and hear a giant splash at the other end of the pool.

Why made the splash?

The dog, Jack, jumps into the pool.

The teacher passed the math tests out to ___________, and the room was suddenly quiet.

What indefinite pronoun completes this sentence?


This question asks you to go back in time to earlier in the year when we were exploring Greek and Latin roots.

When we talked about Greek and Latin roots, we constructed and deconstructed words. So I'm going to give you a word to deconstruct and tell me the meaning of each root that is left. The word is BIOLOGY. What are the two roots in the word, and what do those roots mean?

Bio means life, and logy means to study.