Trauma 101
Trauma 102
Trauma 103
Trauma 104
Trauma 105

True or False: Abusing substances makes PTSD symptoms worse.

TRUE: Substances can make you feel more depressed, more suicidal, and less stable. Even when substances appear to "solve" trauma symptoms, in the long run it doesn't help. 


Do I need to get clean from substances before I can work on my trauma? 

NO: The two disorders can be treated at the same time. 


What are symptoms of Trauma/PTSD?

1. Re-experiencing symptoms 

2. Avoidance and numbing symptoms 

3. Arousal symptoms


How do trauma and substance use relate? 

Substance use can often be used to numb the feelings of a traumatic experience --- substance use can put us at risk of being in a high-risk environment. 


True of False: I should talk to my therapist about my trauma during the first session. 

NEITHER! It all depends on your comfort level and how far you already are in healing from your trauma. 

True or False: Abusing substance prevents you from knowing yourself. 

TRUE: With substances, you get lost. To heal from trauma, you need to become more and more aware of who you really are without substances. 


Is it helpful to talk about my painful trauma memories right away in treatment? 

MAYBE: For some people it may be helpful, for others it may not!


What types of traumatic events result in PTSD?



True of False: You can heal from childhood trauma as an adult. 



Name the four types of trauma responses?

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn


True or False: Abusing substances keep you in control. 

FALSE: One of the most difficult aspects of trauma is that you had no control over the trauma. The very nature of substance use is that it also takes away your control by running your life. 


What is the definition of "traumatic?" 

Something that is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body.

Is PTSD considered a depressive or anxiety disorder?

ANXIETY: because it is marked by an overwhelming feeling of anxiety during or after the trauma. 


Name one category of factors that help people bounce back from trauma. 

mental, physical, social or spiritual


What are some triggers of trauma? 

They differ for everyone. Some main ones include: Anger, Anxiety, Feeling overwhelmed, vulnerable, abandoned, feeling out of control, and Loneliness.


True or False: ACES stands for Acknowledgement of Childhood Experiences

FALSE: Adverse Childhood Experiences. 


The limits and rules individuals set for themselves regarding acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, interactions, and access to personal space, emotions, and time, fostering healthy and respectful connections?



What are the two main types of trauma? 

Simple and Complex. 


What is grounding and how is it helpful in dealing with trauma? 

Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth.


How long does it take to heal from trauma? 

IT DIFFERS FOR EVERYONE! There is no right or wrong way to heal and each experience is different. 


True or False: The more ACES you have, the less likely you are to experience health conditions, substance use, and other trauma related experiences as an adult. 



What is the difference between trauma and PTSD?

The primary difference between trauma and PTSD is the not in the severity of the event or trauma but the severity and length of the symptoms.


What are some ways to heal from trauma?

Go to therapy, talk to a trusted loved on, utilizing coping skills, etc. 


What is meditation and how can it be helpful in healing from trauma? 

Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention.


What are coping skills to heal from trauma? 

Talking to a loved on or therapist, journaling, grounding, meditating, etc.