Is RAD common or rare? (100 extra points if you know the percentage of neglect and abuse cases that result in a RAD diagnosis).
Rare - less than 10% of cases result in a RAD diagnosis.
What does DSED stand for?
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
What does PTSD stand for?
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Acute Stress Disorder most typically develops following a ____ traumatic event.
True or False: Adjustment Disorder is often seen accompanying most medical disorders and any medical conditions.
9 months old and 5 years old
What minimum developmental age must an individual have to be considered for a DSED diagnosis?
9 months
What must an individual experience in order to be considered for this diagnosis?
one or more traumatic or stressful event
What is the major differentiating factor between Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD?
Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder occur 3 days to 1 month after a traumatic event while PTSD symptoms persist anytime past 1 month of presenting symptoms.
Fill in the blank: Must resolve within ____ of the termination of the stressor or it’s consequences
6 months
What would constitute a severe specifier on a RAD diagnosis?
If all diagnostic criteria are met, the severe specifier may be used.
What does (specify if) persistent mean?
Present more than 12 months
What are the two different categories of persistent or recurrent dissociative symptoms?
Depersonalization and Derealization
What differentiates intrusive thoughts associated with OCD versus intrusive thoughts associated with Acute Stress Disorder or PTSD?
OCD intrusive thoughts meet the definition of an obsession.
Specify if ____: can be used to indicate persistence of symptoms for less than 6 months
What is thought to be the main environmental condition that leads to RAD?
Early Childhood Neglect by Caregivers or Inconsistent Caregiving Environments
A child exhibits ALL symptoms of the disorder, with each symptom manifesting at relatively high levels... what specifier of current severity?
What are the three different types of risk factors?
Pretraumatic, Peritraumatic and Posttraumatic Factors
approximately half
What is EXTREMELY important for counselors to know?
There is an increased risk of suicide attempts and suicide associated with Adjustment Disorders.
What differentiates Autism Spectrum Disorder from RAD?
Children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder will exhibit developmentally appropriate attachments.
What are the risk factors?
Change in caregivers and/or raised in unconventional environments (orphanage or institution that severely limited the child’s ability to form secure attachments)
What gender has a higher prevalence of PTSD across their lifespan?
What cultural consideration is important when making an Acute Stress Disorder diagnosis?
Cultural Perception of Emotion Expression
What is adjustment disorder used to diagnose?
Hint: Individuals who experience...
Individuals who experienced marked distress and impairment because of a life stressor (focus on individuals who have difficulty coping with a particular source of stress).