Why is it important to talk about traumatic memories?
To release the trauma bully from our brains and learn how to cope with the memories and symptoms?
What is trauma?
A scary thing that happens where the child worries they might die or get seriously hurt or someone else might die or get seriously hurt
What are some symptoms of trauma that kids may experience?
Fear, concentration problems, increased startle response, nightmares, anger outbursts, sad moods, avoidance, relationship issues...
Fear of what will happen, fear of not being believed, fear that guardians will be angry and react, fear of breaking up family, fear of getting in trouble...
What do caterpillars turn into?
What are some impacts trauma can have on children?
Learning problems, difficulty concentrating, involvement in child welfare or juvenile justice systems, long-term health problems, behavior problems, separating family members
How often does sexual abuse happen to kids?
Current statistics state 1 in 10 children will have an inappropriate sexual experience
What are some symptoms of trauma that people might experience?
Thinking about it a lot even when you don't want to, worrying, having nightmares, difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, hypervigilance, avoiding talking about it
What emotions might a child feel after experiencing trauma?
Fear, anger, depression, anxiety
What is the rarest M&M color?
What are examples of a traumatic experience?
Anything that causes extreme stress and safety concerns
What are some signs that a child might have experienced trauma?
Fear, anger, withdrawal, trouble concentrating, nightmares, digestive problems, behavior problems
What does "intrusive thoughts" mean?
Thinking about it when you don't want to
True or False: Children are usually sexually abused by a stranger
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Why do we include caregivers in TFCBT?
They act as your coach throughout the week to help you remember what you've learned and after we're done with TFCBT to remind you of your coping skills
What does "hypervigilance" mean?
Feeling jumpy and on edge, always checking your surroundings
How might your body feel when you're worried?
Tense, heart racing, sweaty, hot, shaky, jittery
What are two ways your body tells you that you feel scared?
Muscle tension, racing heart, sweating, shaking, increased startle response, needing to go potty
What letter is not included in any of the US States?
What does "psychoeducation" mean?
Providing information and education regarding mental health following stressful events
What different types of traumas do kids experience?
Psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, community or school violence, domestic violence, natural disasters, neglect, serious accidents, physical or sexual assault
What is fight, flight, freeze?
An anxiety response that is our body’s way of protecting us from danger
What are 3 healthy coping skills?
Deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation
What is the best candy to receive on Valentines Day?
There's no wrong answer here :)