Safety & Security
Trauma Facts
Complex Trauma
Trauma Responses
Coping Skills
Intended as a plan of action to prevent future crisis, assess your needs, and make steps moving forward. Usually created by client, parents and therapist. 

What is a safety plan?

Something really bad that happens to you / that you experienced that leaves you with very bad feelings about it. This could be one event or multiple.

What is trauma?


Hopelessness, despair, and depression

What are low-arousal symptoms of C-PTSD?


When we believe if we are able to maintain power over the threat, then we can gain control. Usually results in acts of aggression or fighting. 

What is fight? 


Involves the basic human ability to be fully present in your environment and be totally aware of where you are and what you're doing. 

What is mindfulness?


Being free from harm or injury caused by another person or a physical object. 

What is physical safety? 


Associated with events such as car accidents, natural disasters, or acts of violence. 

What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? 


Avoiding situations, people, denial, repressing feelings, minimizing pain, dissociating. 

What are avoidance symptoms of C-PTSD?


Involves a release of stress hormones that signal us to flee from danger or threat. 

What is flight?


Helps you engage your parasympathetic nervous system after a stressful event. Can reduce pain, lower your cortisol levels, increase your energy, and bring balance back to your body and mind. 

What are grounding techniques? 


Feeling safe to be open, to be yourself, and to be vulnerable in relationships. 

What is emotional safety?

Occurs as a result of long-term exposure to traumatic stress, rather than in response to a single incident.

What is Complex- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? 


Feelings of anxiety, aggression and irritability. 

What are high arousal symptoms of C-PTSD? 


Characterized by dissociation, feeling numb, and being stuck. Body feels like its shutting down. Hard to make decisions and communicate emotions effectively. 

What is freeze? 


Physical or emotional limits you set for yourself and range from superflexible to very rigid.

What are boundaries? 

When client expresses an intent to harm themself, harm another person, or if there is suspected child abuse and/or neglect. 

When does a therapist need to break confidentiality? 


The amygdala 

Which part of the brain does trauma effect most? 


Characterized by the belief that are you "bad" based on a distorted sense of self. 

What is shame?

When a person attempts to appease the threat in order to get it to stop. Can look like calming them down, apologizing, or lying so that they will stop. 
What is fawning?

The ability to accept situations that are outside of your control without judging them, which reduces the suffering they cause. 

What is radical acceptance? 

Physiological needs: food, water, warmth, rest. Safety needs: security, safety. Belongingness and love needs: relationships and friends. Esteem needs: prestige and feeling of accomplishment. Self actualization: achieving one's full potential 

What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? 


Borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, major depressive disorders, somatization disorders 

What are co-occurring diagnoses to C-PTSD? 


C-PTSD is often misdiagnosed 


When we become entirely physically and mentally unresponsive. 

What is flop?

An essential tool that helps you develop somatic awareness. 

What is body scanning?